Thursday, October 31, 2019

Geothermal Energy and its Potential Applications in the United States Essay

Geothermal Energy and its Potential Applications in the United States - Essay Example Geothermal energy is classified amongst the group of renewable energy sources: these forms of power utilize energy flows from natural processes like the suns radiation, wind, running water and in this case, magma heated water(" Renewable Energy", Wikipedia). Renewable sources replace the drawn energy through natural processes. In this sense, geo power is not strictly renewable as it is possible to exhaust a particular source by drawing it out faster than it can be replenished. It is most definitely sustainable by re-injecting the spent fluid back into the earth to be reheated. Since it is derived from the earths own heat it can be utilized almost any where in the world, though currently it has only been done so predominantly in the West. It is also one of the cleaner forms of energy, with lower green house emissions than fossil fuels, puts less stress on the environment as it its power plants are small and it does not require dam construction or forest depletion (Geothermal Energy Facts,Geothermal Education Office). The most common application of geothermal power is electricity generation. In fact the United States alone uses 2,800MWe of electrical capacity and this is only a fraction of its capacity.(Fridleifson,n.d, Idaho National Laboratories list three types of power plants for electricity generation and all three are hydrothermal in source, i.e from hot water reservoirs. (The first type is known as dry steam plants. Steam from underground reservoirs is pumped up into turbines and used to drive a generator. Flash steam plants utilize reservoirs with extremely high temperatures greater than 182 C. Here, water is driven to the surface under its own pressure. When it reaches the surface the pressure drop forces it to become steam and this is then used to drive a turbine. The third type, binary flows, make use of geothermal reservoirs with lower or milder heat conditions. Hot water, at temperatures lower than boiling (100 C), is pumped through a set of pipes known as heat exchan gers and is used to heat an organic volatile fluid in the other pies. The fluid then evaporates into steam which is used to power a generator. In all three types the condensed steam or water is re-injected into the fractures from wherein they were drawn thus replenishing the heat source. From the vastly different temperature ranges observed in the three methods listed, it is evident that even mild temperatures can be used to generate electricity. Considering the United States vast consumption of oil - more than 20.8 billion barrels per day, and its growth, the scope for more geothermal power plants is enormous. Currently, only 0.5% of the U.S. power is supplied by geothermal power.(U.S. Energy Policy, Costs are also quite competitive, being only $0.05 -$0.08 per KWh ( Direct utilization of geothermal power for heating buildings and water is another option. This makes use of shallow ground water sources with lower temperatures (20-150C) and thus may be limited to those areas which have access to them. However it is an extremely cost effective method to heat greenhouses and homes, and can be used in small scale industry like fishfarming. Direct use systems make use of heat exchangers wherein the source water is pumped through one set of pipes and the heat

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Individual Assignment Essay Example for Free

Individual Assignment Essay Determine which level of measurement— nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio—is used in the following examples. The Association of Accountants is conducting a survey to determine the ranking of the top 100 accounting firms in the world. Ordinal How many years did it take you to earn your college degree? Ratio On a questionnaire which asks for gender, males are coded as 1 and females are coded as 2. Interval Respondents are asked to rate a list of high-tech companies as excellent, good, fair, or poor in terms of their service delivery. Ordinal Cereal brands are arranged in an ordered sequence in which an equal interval exists between each point. Interval LeBron James wears the number 23 on his jersey. Nominal The length of time it takes the winner of a marathon to cross the finish line. Ratio Students are asked to rank computer manufacturers. Interval The brand of charge card used by a customer. Nominal The pin number used to access your checking account. Nominal Which sampling method—simple random, systematic, stratified, cluster, convenience, judgment, quota, or snowball—is most appropriate for the following examples? The unemployment rate is calculated each month by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The survey consists of 50,000 households in about 2,000 counties and cities in all 50 states. Simple Random A researcher for Kraft Foods selects five states randomly, and then selects 10 supermarkets chains within each state to call for a phone survey as test markets for a new cookie. Quota A new pr oduct researcher would like to investigate the use of virtual teams. After conducting an interview with a manager, she asks for the names of other managers that use virtual teams. Convenience A news reporter asks people on the street their opinion about the president’s new bill. Snowball Jamie select Denver, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; and San Diego, California as test markets for a new potato chip line base on her experience with these markets. Judgment A researcher instructs field interviewers to interview customers of different cell phone companies in a nearby shopping mall so that they each interview 10 ATamp;T, 8 T Mobile, 6 Verizon, and 4 owners of other cell phone providers. Convenience The Consumer Price Index represents a sampling of 90,000 items from 364 categories, chosen from 20,000 retail stores in 85 geographically distributed areas that are chosen to be as similar as possible. Cluster A finance professor wants to know how many MBA students would be willing to take a course in international finance this summer. She surveys students in the class she is currently teaching. Convenience Which hypothesis-testing procedure would you use in the following situations? The mean time an American family lives in a particular single-family dwelling is 11. 8 years. A sample of 100 families in the Sycamore, OK area shows the mean time living in a single family residence is 12. 7 years. Can we conclude that the time people live in Sycamore is significantly more than the national average? One Sample Z-Test A researcher would like to know if there is a significant difference in clothing purchases between full-time working women, part-time working women, and women who are homemakers. ANOVA Eighty percent of those who play the state lottery never win more than $100 in one play. A sample of 500 players was drawn and the mean winning was $125. One Sample Z-Test A drug manufacturing company conducted a survey of customers. The research question was as follows: Is there a significant relationship between packaging preference (size of the bottle purchased) and economic status? There were four packaging sizes: small, medium, large, and jumbo. Economic status was categorized as follows: lower, middle, and upper. Regression Hypothesis Test A company has 24 salespeople. The test must evaluate whether their product knowledge has improved or remained unchanged after a training program. T-test of dependent samples A computer company has a brand loyalty rating of 6. 8 on a 7 point scale. Is this company’s rating significantly different from the industry average of 6. 4? Two-tailed One Sample T-Test The manager of an office supply store wanted to determine which color folders she should discontinue based on low sales. The colors stocked were black, blue, red, green, and purple. ANOVA

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Resistance As A Positive Tool

Resistance As A Positive Tool 1.1 Introduction Organizational change is an inevitable challenge for organizations which exist in this competitive world and ever changing environment. Therefore, it is important for all organizations (public or private) to effectively manage change. In the issue of change management, the resistance to change is acknowledged as being a basic block to change, and a major reason that change does not succeed or get implemented (Mabin, Forgeson and Green, 2001). Any change, no matter how obvious beneficial to workers and the organization, will be met with and often be sabotaged by resistance. In reality, many people concur that resistance is the last thing management wants during change process. In many instances, resistance has caused dramatic chaos and uncertainties which may bring the change into a disaster or worse collapsing the whole organization. That resistance to change is negatively related to change outcome seems to be definitely confirmed. However, the almost generally accepted axiom that people resist change has recently come under challenge (Jansen, 2000). Though, many theorists are now trying to respond to those resistances more objectively, many still believe resistant are everything but helpful. In developing countries, resistance to change is inevitable phenomena, as long as it is acknowledged there is need for change i.e. reforms and restructuring the sectors and institutions, Local government reform of 2000, Public sector reform 2001 due to that this research is interested in seeing how the governments and institutions in Tanzania can be assisted to change their view concern with resistance from negative perspective to positive one. And how Malaysia as the one among developing countries passed through different stages of development since their independence can be used as a model and learning centre of the researcher in her research. 1.2 Statement of the problem Although it is a very frequently repeated discourse that change is unavoidable and organizations must change, the failures or low rate of success in change programs discloses the necessity of additional work on the subject of change management. According to statistics reported by leading corporate reengineering practitioners, success rate of change management, in Fortune 1000 companies are quite below 50% (Strebel, 1996). One may list various causes for failures in change initiative but in many studies, resistance has been one of the most salient elements of those unsuccessful attempts. Resistance to change is the most complex and intractable problems that face an organization today, in many developing countries ( Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria) this phenomenon became widely practice in different forms such as reduction of outputs, absenteeism, transfers requests, chronics quarrels, hostility and even strikes which made managers and administrators in organizations to view resistance as an obstacle to successful implementation of organizational change and even governmental projects and program . It has been observed that immediately after independence many developing countries particular Tanzania started reforms and restructuring their government by adopting different concept such as development administration with the objectives of strengthen their economic, increase administrative capability and eradicate social and economical problems. It is almost 45 years now since independence but changes have slowly taken place and most of the reforms are well good in papers but implementation of the reforms Local government reform of Zanzibar which is the part of Tanzania is still in papers are very slow due to the resistance to change from employees. 1.3 Research Objectives To find out positive role of resistance as being part of change process. To assess to what extent employees accepting resistance to change as a productive aspect and rewarding point to the change itself. To examine how managers will gain utility from resistance to change of their employees. To help managers to find techniques that will encourages them to utilize resistance to change rather than overcome it. 1.4 Research questions Parallel to the diversity of arguments existed in the literature, researcher preferred to approach resistance by taking its both negative and positive aspects into consideration. In doing so, researcher want to emphasize the constructive aspect of resistance which managers, employees and organizations in general can benefit during change processes. Under the light of this general purpose, guiding questions of the research are constructed as follows; What is the positive role of resistance to the change process? How far employees can recognize resistance as productive aspects to the change itself? How managers will gain utility from resistance to change? What role does resistance play to the organizational performance? What will be the techniques that will encourage the managers to utilize resistance rather than overcome it? 1.5 Significance The purpose of this study is to understand the role of resistance in the process of change management. The study will provide deeper understanding of key factors in implementing change programs. By referring to resistance, the researcher does not see resistance as a barrier that needs to be eliminated; instead, she aim to understand the concept of resistance in a wider scope and to identify crucial issues that can influence process of change in a positive way. In that way the study can be influential in terms of minimizing failures or dissatisfactions in change programs. By studying the research objectives and research questions, the researcher hopes to bring a new perspective about resistant behaviors of employees during the change process. Understanding, describing and analyzing roots and symptoms of resistance can enable us to construct a framework to implement change programs more successfully. Emphasis on resistance also brings the opportunity to use it as a constructive tool from this perspective research believe that by highlighting the importance of these activities, this research will be able to portray a comprehensive picture explaining the impact of leaders/managers in resistance management. Apart from above purposes the study will be capable of contributing to community by presenting logical arguments and providing new spaces for further research. Additionally, considering the implications of the research, it would also be a valuable source for government and institutions to locate different problems related to resistance and to take appr opriate actions to handle them. 1.6 Methodology and Data Collection The ability to prefer a convenient method to research on a social reality possesses great importance in terms of determining the adequacy and reliability of result. For this reason, the methodology which research will employ in this proposal has been chosen carefully to meet the requirements of an advanced study which is capable of achieving the study goal in conducting this research. In this section, the study will explain general features of the methodology that researcher will use in answering the necessary question of the study. Selecting the methodology to study a social reality is wrought by the nature of problem that has been under question. Considering the various elements inherited in the concept of resistance and its complexity, research found it much more convenient to employ qualitative design rather than quantitative. Therefore, researcher will initially intend to reach first hand empirical data through investigating the issue on the field by conducting interview, distributing questionnaires and observation for the collections of data. The researcher will review the secondary sources such as books, journals, websites, and documents to collect data that will substantially provide the necessary information. Qualitative methodology is a very broad discipline and basically refers to the research processes in which findings are obtained through non numerical or statistical techniques (Strauss Corbin, 1990). Its purpose is to reach an in-depth understanding about social realities and patterns create them. Three basic elements were identified in the qualitative methodology (Strauss Corbin, 1990, p.161) First data will be obtained through interviews, observations, analysis of documents and materials, second is procedures which are employed by the researcher to evaluate collected data and third is the final reports, in written form or verbal, which states the findings and implications of a study. Parallel to the essential aim of qualitative approach, in terms of understanding why and how of social realities, conducting a qualitative research usually necessitates small but focused samples to search deeply a given social phenomenon. Having considered the nature of our research question and the available of information in the literature, the research has decided to use grounded approach in developing final theory for the management of resistance. 1.7 Literature Review Even though the concept of resistance to change is not a new one, no consensus about its content and the ways it is experienced has existed among the scholars who have studied it. The concept of resistance to change from the perspectives of some influential scholars in this field by starting to define the concept of resistance, describe factors contributing to resistance, managing resistance and different perspectives of resistance to change. According to Zander (1950), resistance is a behavior which is intended to protect an individual from the effects of real or imagined change (cited in Dent Goldberg, 1999, p. 34). On the other hand, Ansoff (1988, p. 207) defines it as a multifaceted phenomenon, which introduces unanticipated delays, costs and instabilities into the process of a strategic change. However, Piderit (2000) has classified the existing definitions in the literature by considering three main dimensions. Firstly she looks at descriptions which see resistance as a behavior, similar to definitions made by Zander (1950). It is imperative to say that different authors have different definitions of resistances. But no matter how they organized their words, they commonly linked resistances with negative employee attitudes or with counter-productive behaviors (Waddell Sohal, 1998). Resistance is caused by a number of factors. For example, individual factors, such as narrow-minded self-interest, fear of uncertainty, lack of confidence, habit and personality and organizational factors such as, lack of shared value and vision, lack of coordination and cooperation, and different assessments and goals (Daft Noe, 2001; Mabin, Forgeson, Green, 2001). For different reasons, employee would use either overt ways or covert ways to resist change (Recardo, 1995). Overt ways of resisting include sabotage, vocal opposition and agitating others. And covert ways includes reducing output, withholding information, asking for more data or studies and appointing task forces and committees. Employees can also resist the change either aware or unaware, which refer to the motivation of sensitive (OConnor, 1993). When the resistances are unaware, employees usually do not realize that their behavior undermines the change. As a result, such unawareness resistances are more difficult to deal with. In Koopmans (1991) words, employees will resist any change at all cost. At the level of organization, resistance to change will not only block the implementation of organizational change plan, but also cause financial loss. Finally, organization cannot survive in this changing environment. At the level of individual, resistance can cause great stress and bad feeling (OConnor, 1993). As a result, resistance is understood as the enemy of change, the opponent which causes a change effort to be drawn out by factional dissent and in-fighting (Waddell Sobal, 1998). Resistance has also been regarded as one of the causes of the conflicts that are undesirable and detrimental to organizational health (Waddell Sobal, 1998). Even though some scholars did not oppose the positive aspect of resistance, they consist to argue and claimed that resistance in general is a roadblock that must be removed (e.g. Umiker, 1997). Under this perspective of change, a successful change is defined as a change that is met with little resistance (Mabin, Forgeson, Green, 2001). Resistance is viewed to be problematic, which should be managed and overcome to ensure the success of change. And the inability of employers and managers to cope with employee resistance can destroy organizations and careers (Umiker, 1997). Maurer (1996) pointed out that people with negative perspective of resistance usually employee win-lose thinking and assume that their way is the right way. Their mind is blocked by such assumptions and they believe resistors must be persuaded or forced to go along. So the way managers often used is to resist the resistance by using power, applying force of reason, ignoring the resistance or making deals with resistors. The results of resisting the resistances are disappointing. Such approach is unable to eliminate the resistance but causes more problems. Finally, the chance of the failure of organizational change effort can be increased. When the word resistance is mentioned, one tends to ascribe negative connotations to it. This is a misconcepti on. (Hultman, 1979, p. 54). Resistance is a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon that is caused by a variety of factors, and people do not resist change per se, rather they resist the uncertainties and potential outcomes that change can cause (Waddell Sohal, 1998). However, some scholars started to considerd that resistances also have a number of advantages and suggested treating resistance as a useful tool in an organizational change effort. When resistances are managed carefully, these advantages can be utilized to support the change. (Mabin, Forgeson, Green, 2001; Maurer, 1996; Waddell Sohal, 1998). In order to justify this claimed, Waddell and Sohal (1998) listed several advantages of resistance that can be utilized. (1) They believe that resistance could be seen as feedbacks to the change and points out the fallacy. (2) Resistance can also be a force to balance the pressure from external and internal environments against the need for constancy and stability and influences the organization to greater stability. (3) An influx of energy is another contribution of resistance because individual could gain sufficient motivation when they feel dissatisfaction with status quo or future states. (4) Resistance encourages or forces the search for a lternative methods and outcomes, which keeps the organization changing. Therefore, in general, it important to argue that resistance can be useful in learning how to develop a more successful change process if it is considered as a source of information (Pardo del Val Fuentes, 2003). These advantages overturn the traditional definition of successful change and urge a re-evaluating the classical understanding of resistance. Notwithstanding what kind of attitudes these authors hold toward the resistance, most of them took a modernist perspective (Ford, Ford, McNamara, 2001; Gergen Thatchenkery, 1996). Scholars with modernist perspective believe that individual rationality is the major source of human conducts. If we want to gain dominion over the future well-being of the organization, we need to unlock the secrets of individual rationality (Gergen Thatchenkery, 1996, pp.142). Within this perspective, there is only a concrete organizational reality, an objective world, capable of empirical study (Eastman Bailey, 1994, cited in Gergen Thatchenkery, 1996). And the responsibility of the organization scientist is to isolate variables, standardize measures, and assess causal relations with the organizational sphere (Gergen Thatchenkery, 1996, pp.187). Assumption of empirical knowledge cause most scholars believe that every person attached with the organization share the same objective and homogeneous reality, and assumption of rational agency drives the scholars to the research direction of seeking the sources of resistance accurately and finding the appropriate strategies to deal with that source (Ford, Ford, McNamara, 2001). Traditionally, one can argue that researchers study the resistance based on the assumption that individuals treat the change as a threat. But studies done by Hoag, Ritschard, and Cooper (2002) have shown that staffs often see the need for change and are concerned to just do it. They conducted interviews with some employees in a public institutions and found similar phenomena. However, the intended change of that public organization still proved ineffective. This study suggests that due to different realities in the eyes of different employees the probability of resistance can be higher. 1.8 Chapters and sections of the research The research expected to have five chapters and different subsections as follows: Chapter One: Introduction of research Introduction of the problem Statement of the problem Research objectives Research questions Significance of the study Chapter two: Literature Review Definition of resistance to change Factors contributing to resistance to change Managing resistance to change Previous research on resistance to change Positive approach of resistance Discussion of literature review Chapter Three: Methodology and Data Collection Research design Area of the study Population and sample Sample techniques Data collections instruments ( interview, questionnaires and observation) Data analysis techniques Chapter Four Conceptual frame work Chapter Five: data analysis, findings and interpretation Data analysis Data finding and presentation Discussion of data Chapter Six: Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion Recommendation Bibliography Appendix 1.9 Proposed schedule of activities Activity Date Duration Initial data collection and preparation of research proposal 21st November 2010 27 March 2011 16 weeks Presentation proposal and defense 10TH APRIL 2011-15TH MAY 2011 5 weeks Submission of chapter one and amendments 5th June 2011- 26th June 2011 4 weeks Data collection and initial fieldwork in Zanzibar 10th July 2011-9th October 2011 13 weeks Submission of chapter two and amendments 30TH November2011- 15 January 2012 7 weeks Submission of chapter three and amendments 5th February 2012- 25th March 2012 7weeks Interview an field work in Malaysia 8TH April 2012- 6TH May 2012 4 weeks Interview and field work in Zanzibar 27TH May 12TH August 2012 12 weeks Data computation and analysis 2nd September 30th September 5 weeks Submission of chapter four and amendments 21october 2012- 9th December 2012 8 weeks Submission of chapter five and amendment Submission of chapter six and amendments 30th December 2012-17 February 2013 10 March 2013- 5TH May 2013 8weeks 8weeks Formatting and proof reading and final editing 26th May 2013- 21 July 2013 8weeks Submission of thesis 4th August 1 day

Friday, October 25, 2019

Coping with Peer Pressure Essay -- Peer Pressure Essays

Adolescence is a time when peers play an increasingly important role in the lives of youth. Teens begin to develop friendships that are more intimate, exclusive, and more constant than in earlier years. In many ways, these friendships are an essential component of development. They provide safe venues where youth can explore their identities, where they can feel accepted and where they can develop a sense of belongingness. Friendships also allow youth to practice and foster social skills necessary for future success. Nonetheless, parents and other adults can become concerned when they see their teens becoming preoccupied with their friends. Many parents worry that their teens might fall under negative peer influence or reject their families’ values and beliefs, as well as be pressured to engage in high-risk and other negative behaviors. In actuality, peer influence is more complex than our stereotype of the negative influences from friends. First, peer influence can be both positive and negative. While we tend to think that peer influence leads teens to engage in unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, it can actually motivate youth to study harder in school, volunteer for community and social services, and participate in sports and other productive endeavors. In fact, most teens report that their peers pressure them not to engage in drug use and sexual activity. Second, peer influence is not a simple process where youth are passive recipients of influence from others. In fact, peers who become friends tend to already have a lot of things in common. Peers with similar interests, similar academic standing, and enjoy doing the same things tend to gravitate towards each other. So while it seems that teens and their friends become ve... ...relationships, and deflect negative peer pressures and influences. Selected References Brown, B. B. (2004). Adolescents’ relationships with peers. In R. M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, 2nd edition (pp. 363-394). New York: Wiley. Brown, B. B. (1990). Peer groups and peer cultures. In S. S. Feldman & G. R. Elliott (Eds). At the threshold: The developing adolescent (pp. 171-198). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Brown, B. B. & Klute, C. (2006). Friendships, cliques, and crowds. In G. R. Adams & M. D. Berzonsky (Eds.). Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence (pp. 330-348). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. Steinberg, L. (2005). Adolescence. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Acknowledgment This publication is partly based on NebFact 211, â€Å"Adolescence and Peer Pressure† by Herbert G. Lingren, Extension Family Specialist.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare/Contrast My Two Favorite Places Essay

Everyone has their secret special places that they go to or places just to simply get away or look for advice at every once and a while. I am not anyway different than anyone else, as I also have some very secret places where I go when I need privacy or just seeking much needed advice. One of my places is the lake in the wintertime. There I can escape from the everyday mess and can think more rationally or just simply soul search. The lake is located approximently 45 minutes from my house; it has a beautiful view as well as total silence in the winter. The lake water is some of the bluest I have ever seen and the choppiest in the wintertime. I visit the lake in the winter due to the fact that it is not bust with the energy of all the people that come during all the other months. I go to mostly just to get away form the hustle and bustle of work and the city scene. The quietness is very peaceful and soothing to me. It is nice to just hear the waves hitting the mountain side that surround the lake shore. I normally don’t stay very long, but just stay long enough to know there is still a great place left where I can think and reflect on myself and my thoughts. My second place is long missed, for it is not here anymore. It was going to my great grandparents house. They were wisest people that I have came across in my life, much like people read about in storybooks or fairy tales. I could always go to them and receive wonderful answers and stories behind any question that lurked in my mind. No matter what the question may have been the answers I was given were always one hundred percent honest. This place was definatly the better of the two! As opposite as to going to the lake this place was usually loud as he was a man that talked ver loudly as well. Going to his house was somewhat a treat to me and I always walked away with the feelings I was seeking answers for. This place is missed very greatly, but not lost. It will forever be with me in my heart as long as I am here. The second place is much better than the first, but seeing how he is no longer here anymore, the first always helps me reflect upon the second. I find myself going to the lake more often to seem at peace with a lot of things.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Identify Harley Davidsons Strategy Essay

Harley is a globally recognised brand firmly associated with large motorbikes with a historic emphasis on style, individuality and freedom rather than on technology, speed or sports. From a segmentation view they belong in the heavyweight motorcycle market and are particularly strong within a sub-segment of super heavyweight. Their bikes are strongest in the Cruiser motorcycle segment, feature in the Touring bikes segment (focus on their style and image) and through acquisition of Buell, now have a presence in the Performance models segment. The Harley-Davidson image and the customer loyalty earned and sustained by the unique ? Harley Experience’ are its greatest assets. The appeal of the Harley brand was central to the corporate strategy. The focus of the strategy was to reinforce and extend the relationship between the company and its consumers. The Harley Owners Group was established to be a vehicle to unite management, employees and customers in a special community and to foster relationships and shared experiences towards a bonding with the brand and the company. The loyalty of Harley owners is evident in their repeat purchase behaviour ? over 50% of sales between ’99 and ’05 were to previous owners, while brand attraction helped account for a 20% share from first time buyers. The brand was also successful in effecting a demographic and socioeconomic shift away from young workers to middle-aged, higher income owners. Harley lagged behind its competitors in terms of technological innovation and rapid progress but insisted on playing the game on their home strengths of distinctive features and traditional designs. They lacked the economies of scale of their competitors who could spread the costs of research and development across higher unit volumes of products and multiple product lines. Instead they concentrated on incremental improvements to their engines, frames and gearboxes to increase reliability and power and reduce vibration. In 2006 they had 36 models available with lots of customisation options so that each purchaser could virtually have a personalised motorcycle. This captures their reconciliation between differentiation and economies of scale ? a wide range of customisable options while standardising on key components. Sales of parts, accessories and merchandise had grown to a 20% share in 2000. Harley established a dealer development program to improve its distribution and position it in support of the brands requirement for a sustained ? Harley Experience’. The program increased support for dealers while imposing higher standards of pre- and after-sales service and better dealer facilities. Training programs, test ride facilities, rider instruction classes were all initiatives designed to differentiate the Harley products from their competitors and success is evident with sustained demand. Not all initiatives were so successful, the intent of the Buell acquisition was to broaden the customer base by merging the comfort and style of a Harley cruiser with the performance attributes of a sports bike. While by no means a failure the Buell strategy has performed steadily but has not attracted the same demand from the market and annual shipments now approach just 12 to 13 thousand. Compare Harley’s resources and capabilities to those of Honda. What does your analysis imply for Harley’s potential to establish cost and differentiation advantage over Honda? Harley has continuously upgraded its manufacturing operations and invested in plant and machinery both to introduce advanced process technologies and to expand capacity. Despite constant development and investment, Harley’s low production volumes relative to Honda and the other Japanese manufacturers imposed severe cost disadvantages. They simply could not attain economies of scale to match their large competitors. A related area was their weakness in buying power ? While not having the volumes with which to bargain quantity discounts Harley emphasised the internal roles of Purchasing Managers to foster close relationships with suppliers. Honda, in particular, are renowned for their engine technology and they can sustain continued engine innovation as they have a very large product range to which engines are central and over which the costs can be amortised more easily. Harley turned to their own strengths and organisational capabilities to achieve cost efficiencies and product / brand differentiation. By utilising ? Strategic Innovation’ they chose to establish competitive advantage through creating value for customers from novel experiences, product delivery, customisation options and customer care. As a smaller organisation and one which adopted a non-hierarchical, team based structure, Harley successfully engineered a transformation in employee commitment and job satisfaction which also helped the company sustain this competitive advantage once it had been achieved. By ensuring that the ?Harley Experience’ was kept to a very high level it proved impossible for imitators or competitors to tap into the brand attractiveness. The sustainability of Harleys differentiation is less vulnerable to being overturned by changes in the external environment and is more difficult to replicate. Harley differentiate on more than one plane ? their products certainly, but also their design, marketing and customer interactions ? have you ever seen a group of Honda owners get together BECAUSE they are Honda owners ? Way to go Harley. How can Harley D. sustain and enhance it’s competitive position? The essence of differentiation advantage is to increase the perceived value of the offering to the customer either more effectively or at lower cost to competitors. This requires that Harley continue to match the requirements and preferences of customers with its own capacity for creating uniqueness. Successful differentiation requires a combination of astute analysis and creative imagination. The Value Chain provides a useful framework for analysing differentiation advantage. By regularly analysing how value is created for customers and by systematically appraising the scope of each of the firms activities for achieving differentiation, the value-chain permits matching demand-side and supply-side sources of differentiation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Manliness in Shakespeares plays

Manliness in Shakespeares plays Introduction The play Macbeth is designed for the purpose of complementing a self proclaimed anti militarist Macbeth (Wells 117). While it is apparent that the play celebrates divine themes such as justice, verity, stableness, temperance, bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, courage, patience, fortitude and devotion, the play shows men defending such virtues not with reluctant resort to force or even industrious soldiership (Wells 117). The confusion of these values forms an appeal that is evident throughout the play to manhood.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Manliness in Shakespeares plays specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As illustrated by Lady Macbeth true manhood goes hand in hand with heroic deeds of violence. On the other hand for Macduff the attributes of manly valor must be softened by the more civilized virtues of feeling and compassion. But in the play it is not only Macbeth and his wife who associate ma nhood with acts of violence. In fact the play is divided into groups associated with â€Å"good things of the day† and other who act as the â€Å"’nights back agents† (Wells 117). The former group being one that thinks of manhood in terms of only violent actions. The theme of manhood and violence in the play points to a greater ethical and political problem as to whether or not the use of violence to achieve peaceful ends preoccupied Elizabethan writers. In the play on King Lear, Shakespeare presents a dramatic version of the nature of relationships between parents and their children. In the play Lear the King decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters. In an attempt to allocate the largest bounty to the one he loves most he asks his daughters for expressions of affection (Ruth 6). The youngest speaks plainly and disappoints him resulting in her disinheritance. In the scene that follows pleas to understand her lead to the banishment of Kent. As the play progresses things go awry and in the process his most beloved daughter is hanged. Lear dies completely grief stricken over the death of this daughter leaving Kent, Albany and Edgar to restore order to the kingdom left in disarray (Ruth 6). In this play the author depicts the problems that arise from an excess of manliness. Macbeth In the play Macbeth, the author depicts a central character in the play whose flaws in character bring about his own demise (Sheinberg and Shakespeare 67). In this play this flaw brings about a situation which the character is unable to control and thus spirals into events that become out of the characters control. In this play the tragic hero in question is played by the character Macbeth. The events that lead to his tragic demise begin when he compromises his honor and negates moral responsibility to attain power and position bringing the tragic result of his untimely demise (Sheinberg and Shakespeare 67).Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Among the poor traits that are evident in the character played by Macbeth include fate, weakness, poor decision making and the realization of the flaw but lack of ability to make the necessary change (Sheinberg and Shakespeare 67). The play begins with the return of Macbeth from a successful campaign to defend the Scottish King Duncan (Shmoop 2). Along the way Macbeth and his accomplice Banquo encounter three bearded witches who deliver the news that Macbeth will be named King of Scotland. The witches also mentions that though Banquo will not be a King himself he will be a father to long line of future Kings of Scotland (Shmoop 2). Soon after a character named Ross appears indicating that the old Thane of Cawdor has been found a traitor and will be executed. Following this Macbeth gets to take his place fulfilling the first bit of the prophecy. Macbeth reveals that that the witche s prophecies made him think about murder and he finds himself feeling very guilty and concludes if fate wants him King he will not lift a finger against the current King to make it a reality (Shmoop 3). But this changes when King Duncan announces his son will claim the throne. Upon this event happening he writes a letter to his ambitious wife Lady Macbeth who immediately begins to scheme on how to eliminate King Duncan. She decides that her first task must be to berate Macbeth into believing that he is not a man if he cannot kill Duncan (Shmoop 3). At the same time it happens the King is scheduled to visit Macbeth and his wife insists that this would be the best opportunity to eliminate him and frame his guards. Later that night under his wife’s instructions, Macbeth does the heinous deed and frames a guard for the murder. Following the murder of their father the Kings children escape to avoid being murdered and Macbeth is named the King (Shmoop 3). Soon after Macbeth begins to worry about the witches’ prophecy and hires some hit men to eliminate Banquo and his son Fleance. The plan goes awry and Banquo is murdered but his son Fleance manages to escape (Shmoop 3). Following the murder Macbeth begins to be haunted by Banquo’s ghost. He is also reminded of the prophecy and is advised to pay attention to Macduff, the guard who found the Kings body. Macbeth decides nobody will deny him the throne and decides to murder Macduff’s family (Shmoop 4). By now Macbeth has been labeled a tyrant and is suspected of having hand in the murder of Duncan and Banquo. Following these events Macduff pays a visit to the English King who unlike Macbeth is an honorable man and a well respected King. Soon after this Ross shows up in England with the news that Macbeth has had Macduff’s wife and children killed. This prompts Macduff and Malcolm to begin plots to overthrow Macbeth with the aid of English soldiers (Shmoop 4).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Manliness in Shakespeares plays specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the meantime Lady Macbeth has begun to sleep walk and is plagued by the murders she and her husband colluded to undertake. She eventually dies to which Macbeth responds that her death should have been at more convenient time given his preparations for battle (Shmoop 4). Macbeth believes to be safe given that the prophecy say none born of a woman shall be able to harm him. As the drama continues to unfold Malcolm and Macduff appear with a large army making threats of placing Macbeth’s head on a pike. As the war between the two forces is about to take place Malcolm gives an order to the troops instructing them to cut down trees in Birnham woods to be used as camouflage. It should be noted that the prophecy mentions the wood in Birnam moving to Dunsinane (Shmoop 2). Macbeth is soon cornered in his castle and Macduff reminds Macbeth of his b irth by a caesarean delivery. This untimely removal from his mother’s womb suggests not being born in the play. Macduff the proceeds to slay Macbeth and carries his severed head to Malcolm who was later crowned King (Shmoop 4). Just as it was mentioned in the introduction the play depicts a display of manhood and the use of acts of violence to gain the throne of Scotland. Unfortunately for Macbeth, he relied on ill advice from Lady Macbeth who was of the opinion that manhood went hand in hand with vile deeds of violence. As a result of this Macbeth begins a slow but ultimately fatal game through the murder of King Duncan based on advice from three bearded witches. Once his plan comes to fruition he becomes plagued by the words of the witches and turns on his friend Duncan and slays him to protect his throne. The blood on his hands begins to leads him to further confusion and in his demented state he murders the family of Macduff once gain to protect his throne. Unfortunately, his wife dies leaving him alone to deal with his heinous crimes. Macbeth is eventually surrounded in his castle and slain and Malcolm is crowned the new King. King Lear The play begins with in pre Christian Britain when the then King Lear decides that the time has come for his retirement. This decision comes in light of the fact that the King is aging and would like to avoid any political or family conflict that may arise after his death (Shmoop 2). Based on King Lear’s deteriorating condition he makes a decision to divide his Kingdom between his daughters namely, Cordelia, Goneril and Regan. To determine who will get the biggest bounty the king decides to attempt to determine who among his children loves him most. In the process, Cordelia refuses professing words cannot adequately express her affection. The King is distraught with her and disinherits her (Shmoop2). He refuses to offer Cordelia dowry for marriage and she elopes with the King of France. Lear divides the kingd om between Goneril married to the Duke of Albany and Regan married to the Duke of Cornwall (Shmop3). When Kent, Lear’s main advisor admonishes him of the mistake his making, Lear banishes Kent. When Lear retires to live with Goneril, she soon tires of her father and his entourage and threatens to evict him. The act annoys Lear who moves to Regan’s house (Shmoop3).Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Regan also decides not to tolerate her father’s complaints and gangs up with Goneril to have their father get rid of his knights. In this moment he realizes the two did not love him as much as he assumed and he loses his mind and resorts to wandering the kingdom (Shmoop 3). In the process he is assisted by a lowly citizen. The citizen is punished for the deed and one of his servants murders Regan’s husband. As the plot thickens Lear is eventually reunited with Cordelia who forgives her father for all his misgivings. Cordelia and her husband decide to assist by using the French army to attempt to reclaim Lear’s kingdom from Regan and Goneril. Unfortunately the French army lost the battle to the British army of Goneril and Regan. In the events that follow Lear and Cordelia are captured. While Lear and Cordelia languish in prison the other two daughters begin to tussle over the evil Edmund (Shmoop 4). In the process Goneril decides to poison her sister Regan so as to remain with Edmund. This event completely enrages Albany who then decides to attempt to have Edmund and Goneril arrested and charged with the crime of treason owing to their alleged affair and the attempt on his life. In the process Edmund’s brother Edgar stabs him and reveals his identity to his father. The father dies of a heart attack on receiving the news. Before dying Edmund apologizes for his deeds and reveals he had sent someone to kill Lear and Cordelia and advises those present to act fast to prevent the action (Shmoop4). Goneril in light of the number of deaths commits suicide and when the party rush to save Cordelia they find her already dead. Lear enters to carry his dead daughter in his arms and on realizing what became of his family dies of a broken heart (Shmoop 5). The play about King Lear is a play that is a lot more about familial relations than bad political decisions (Shmoop 2). The plays is more about the Kings poor decision to disinherit the only chil d he truly loves, Cordelia, and this sets in motion a series of tragic events (Shmoop 2). The other daughters Goneril and Regan soon after betray their father and begin to squabble over another man. The events lead to breaking the old man’s heart and he resorts to homelessness and becomes a wanderer in his kingdom. As fate would have it war erupts in the kingdom and in the process Goneril poisons her sister then kills herself while Cordelia is unjustly put to death. In the end Lear dies of a broken heart (Shmoop 2). It may be said that that the play depicts the folly of an excessive display of manliness. Ruth, Corrina Siebert. King Lear (MAXNotes Literature Guides). New Jersey: Research Education Association, 1999. Print. Sheinberg, Rebecca McKinlay and William Shakespeare. Macbeth (MAXNotes Literature Guides). New Jersey: Research Education Association, 1994. Print. Shmoop. Macbeth: Shmoop Learning Guide. Printed in the USA: Shmoop University Inc., 2010. Print. Shmoop. King Lear: Shmoop Literature Guide. Printed in the USA; Shmoop University Inc., 2010. Print. Wells, Robin Headlam. Shakespeare on Masculinity. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 2004. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Is Interracial Adoption Not Always Beneficial Social Work Essays

Is Interracial Adoption Not Always Beneficial Social Work Essays Is Interracial Adoption Not Always Beneficial Social Work Essay Is Interracial Adoption Not Always Beneficial Social Work Essay With many honeymooners there can frequently be a really similar job that they could meet, non being able to hold kids of their ain. While some twosomes could take to hold a alternate female parent, or other ways many of this shortly to be parents take the pick of acceptance. Adoption in the United States is a societal and legal procedure whereby a parent-child relationship is established between people non related by birth ( Fass ) . Originally acceptance was non recorded and was done spontaneously. While acceptance is a great manner for honeymooners to get down a household, non all types of acceptance are optimal. Interracial acceptance, as Vincent Parrillo provinces in the Encyclopedia of Social Problem that explains transracial acceptance and how it can be considered really controversial, provinces that transracial acceptance is known as acceptance that takes topographic point across the racial boundaries. While acceptance can be and frequently is really good to many kids s lives, interracial acceptances may non ever be the best thought because some kids may non see their cultural backgrounds and need to understand their cultural individuality. Adoptions in America has occurred and changed drastically over the past two centuries. In the beginning acceptance was self-generated and non recorded. In the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society, Paula Fass writes an article about acceptance in the United States, giving history and information about acceptance. Adoption has become a formalistic legal establishment governed by a hodgepodge of legislative acts in 50 separate province legal powers with increasing federal engagement ( Frass ) . With authorities engagement came uniformed criterions to modulate acceptances that take topographic point in the United States. As Frass says in her article Adoption in the United States , that some experts say that the Numberss of acceptance in the United States are every bit high as six out of 10 Americans are adopted. Frass, besides states, while acceptance began in the colonial period and these kids normally ranged in ages from six to sixteen, these kids were norm ally made to work for the household as an excess brace of custodies on the farms. By the mid 19th century, province legislative assemblies began to ordain the first acceptance statues, An Act to Supply for the Adoption of Children that is set into jurisprudence in 1851 in Massachusetts. Some beneficent adult females reformists who were located in New York City founded the first private acceptance bureau in 1911. Adoption is conveying a kid and an grownup together to organize a new lifelong relationship, where they can bond and experience life lessons together, and treats the kid to a life that they should hold. With the addition in acceptance after World War II, there were non adequate Caucasic kids available for acceptance. While most households wanted to follow these kids there was an addition in following the minority as a new thought of acceptance. This new thought of acceptance was referred to as interracial acceptance or transracial acceptance, which became a new stage that was traveling on in the United States. By 1965, transracial acceptance had become known as the little revolution ( Fass ) . This is when acceptance bureaus began puting African American babes with white households more often. In 1971, transracial acceptance reached its extremum, with 468 bureaus describing 2,574 such arrangements ( Fass ) . The most recent estimation of transracial acceptance was performed in 1987 by the National Health Interview Survey ( NHIS ) . The determination reveled that merely eight per centum of all acceptances include parents and kids of different races ( ) At this cli p this was non a great figure of kids but subsequently research shows that the Numberss continue to increase. An scrutiny by the New York Times of the 2000 census-the foremost in which information on acceptance was collected-showed that merely over 16,000 white family included adopted black kids. ( Times ) While this is a big figure, the nose count did non state if these kids are being exposed to their original cultural background or if these kids were merely populating their lives as if they were a white kid with a darker skin color so their parents and siblings. While these figure are great for the sum of kids put into loving places, their exact arrangement is non ever considered in their best involvement. While there is non a set jurisprudence that is consistent between all 52 provinces, many provinces have the same accent on race in acceptances. Congress did ordain one act that effected transracial acceptance. As stated in Andrew Morrison s article Transracial Adoption: the Pros and Cons and the Parents Perspective gives the pro s and con s of transracial acceptance and has a subdivision on Legal Treatment of Race in acceptance, and this where Morrision states: In 1978, Congress enacted the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 ( ICWA ) Prior to 1978, every bit many as 30 five per centum of Native American Children were being taken from their places, about ever to be raised by white households. These kids were sometimes taken under duress and fraud. The ICWA mandated a strong penchant for race matching for Native American acceptances, leting Native American kids to be adopted by non-Native American parent merely as a last resort. These kids were to be considered to be tribal resources that should be raised by the people that know their heritage the best. In most provinces adoption Torahs permit a greater accent on race than would usually be allowable under our fundamental law. Merely three states-Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin- categorically prohibit consideration of race in acceptance ( Altstein, Melli, and Simon ) . This shows that people are get downing to understand that race is to be considered for the well being of the kid. With this accent, it is besides the societal workers that have really of import function with transracial acceptances. Jo Daughetty Bailey believe that any type of transracial acceptance international or non is non ever good and that the kids have a opportunity of losing their cultural heritage and that there is a manner to extinguish this. aˆÂ ¦ societal workers in the field have a critical function to play in minimising this. By using societal individuality to the insta nce of international adoptees cultural individuality formation, it follows that a positive cultural individuality is best facilitated by exposure to information and experiences that communicate the built-in value of the kid s cultural group ( Bailey ) . With the societal workers using this theory less kids that are adopted would non hold to worry about losing their cultural individuality. While transracial acceptance can work good with some households, this is non ever true for other households. With the kids in transracial acceptances, they do non ever demo psychological jobs or different societal jobs but the households need to anticipate the kid to see many different major challenges throughout their childhood, and turning up into adolescences. McRoy provinces in his article An Organizational Dilemma: the instance of Transracial acceptance that black kids need to turn up in their cultural background: Black kids belong physically and psychologically and culturally in black households where they can have the entire sense of themselves and develop a sound projection of their hereafter. Merely a black household can convey the emotional and sensitive nuances of perceptual experience and reactions essential for a black kid s endurance in a racialist society. Human existences are merchandises of their environment and develop their sense of values, attitudes, and self-concept within their ain household constructions. Black kids in white places are cut off from the healthy development of themselves as black people. With African American households that are put into white families there is ever the fact that the kids are non traveling to see their civilization in a custodies on manner. When African American kids turn up with the same race parents they do non hold the issue of losing their background and civilization. With Caucasic households non cognizing the exact background of their adoptive kids, the household can non explicate what is traveling on with hard experiences that the parents have neer gone through being a different race. When an African American girl asks her parents what precisely she should make with her hair, the female parent does non ever have the exact reply for her girl. With the female parent non sing this turning up or even in maturity, she may non be able to give her girl the best advice available. As stated in Katharine Quarmby s article Untitled she states that an assiocation has pointed out this fact: The Assoication of Black Social Workers ( ABSW ) claimed in the 1980 s that transracial arrangements are a manner prolongation racialist political orientation . Their motto, that Love is Enough , still looms over the statement. They pointed out that white parents did non how to care for black kids s tegument or hair, that black kids could non walk down the street with their white relations without holding to give and account. This may do jobs within the household and do the kid seem as if they do non suit in. This is non how kids should experience while in a household adhering relationship. While many households that have an African American kid in their household will necessitate aid or aid from the African American community. With many people non desiring the kids to lose their cultural background, trust of the African American community is a must. With the kids being active in the African American community has a positive and negative consequence on the kids in interracial acceptance. With the contact with the African American community the kids are able to larn about their background and civilization. This will assist the kids be able to interact with fellow equals that are like them. While this may look like a good thought, this may besides set the kids in a place that they do non belong in their current household and do non suit in because their household members are non like them. This may do kids to experience superior to their fellow household members and may non understand precisely why their household is non like the other households that they met in the Afri can American community. Ron Nixon writes an article in the New York Times, explicating that the de-emphasis on race in acceptance is critized and explains how the adoptees feel. Many transracial adoptees say they struggle to suit in among their ain household members. ( Nixon ) These adoptees may non experience like they fit in among their household because they do non precisely look like the other members, or they may non understand why their playthings were non the same colour as their friends when playing with Barbie s or G.I Joes. While some people may reason that if there is a restriction on acceptances based on race that there would be fewer acceptances. The kids that are put into Foster attention would non be placed into a household every bit shortly as possible. We have seen what happens when race is allowed to be a consideration. Children are waiting in Foster attention to be adopted. ( Nixon ) Ms. Chaplin, quoted in the New York Times article, is an associate commissioner at the Administration for Children and Families at the Department of Health and Human Services, who said this states that the kids would be waiting much longer in foster attention, shows that race should non be a determinant factor when it comes to adoption. This lone states that interracial acceptance is merely good because there will be fewer kids to be taken attention of in Foster attention, non how the kids really will get by with the determination and how they will respond. While every kid needs to cognize and develop their cultural individuality this may look really hard being raised in a family that is non of the same cultural background. In households that there is an African American kid, most parents raise the kid as if they have the same cultural individuality as them and most parents do non even notice they are making so. While kids may look that they are making good and booming, non demoing any major reverses this is non ever the instance. Although the kids appeared to be booming and good adjusted harmonizing to standard steps, they are being brought up as idea they were white and had small or no contact with black [ s ] . ( Hayes ) . While these kids are making good in the eyes of many, the kids are non making good in the facet of the cultural individuality. The kids are get downing to bury or non even understand their cultural background. The kids in some instances do non even cognize how people of their ain cultural individuality live or ev en move. With the kids non sing this first manus, they may lose a really of import portion of their history. Nagel states his sentiment in Bailey s article A Practice Model to protect the Ethnic Identity of International Adoptees in 1996: Cultural individuality is influenced by both external and internal factors. External forces include societal constructions that serve to specify cultural boundaries, often for political or economic intents, such an affirmatory action policies that seek to right historical inequalities between groups aˆÂ ¦ However, such external forces form merely portion of the complex system of cultural individuality formationaˆÂ ¦ therefore, achieving an individuality is a procedure in which one actively constructs a construct of the ego from an array of societal groups. This states that cultural individuality is affected by external and internal factors that will neer travel off and that kids need to understand and be able to wholly turn and boom as a individual. Experts besides province that kids cognizing about their cultural individuality are better off when turning up. Both have adopted a discourse that stresses that kids have a demand or right to a sense of cultural individuality and cultural heritage. ( Hayes ) While interracial acceptance is a really popular signifier of acceptance, some households believe that following a kid of a different race may learn those new imposts and cultural influences that the kid would neer be exposed excessively. While learning kids about different cultural backgrounds and holding them see the civilization of their parents may do the kid seem more rounded. While this may look as a fantastic thought, holding a kid that is from a different ethnicity being able to understand and suit in with a different civilization. This may do the kid seem like they would neer suit in with their original cultural background. This should neer be the instance with a kid turning up. Bing able to associate to merely one cultural background, that is non their original is non ever good to the kid. While interracial acceptance may look like an first-class thought, to acquire kids out of poorness, and have them populating outstanding, fantastic lives with parents that can demo the counsel, love and fondness, the arrangement of the kids is a really of import issue to be concerned with. While these kids do unrecorded wonderful lives, these kids frequently wonder what life would be like if they would hold stay in their cultural community. While the kids placed with adoptive parents that treat them merely as if they were blood kids and are considered to be their kids. When an African American adoptee begins to travel through different stage of their lives, they will get down to travel rely on people of the black community. Harmonizing the National Association of Black Social Workers a statement in 1972, who was against interracial acceptance stated: These kids need the support and socialisation of black households merely every bit much as the Black community needs to keep and prolong its kids and households. Yet, in Contrast to the lightening processes of international acceptance, the transracial acceptance of black kids returning in maturity to the black community. In fact, one of the definitions of success in these arrangements is the formation of an appropriate racial individuality. While this states that the kids that are in interracial acceptances will frequently return to the black community later in life. While these kids may believe that they lived a fantastic life, they may ever go on to inquire how their lives would hold been if they would hold grown up in the black community with the changeless influence of other people that are considered to be more like them. When the kid is invariably with people of the same race or expression like the other people in the household they no longer have to oppugn why they are the colour they are, or how they do non fit the other childs in their vicinity if they live in a prevailing white vicinity. With this type of wondering could be the ground of why adoptee kids adventure back to the grownup community when they are in early grownup goon. While some kids that are an apart of an interracial acceptance do no experience any signifier of racism turning up there are ever kids that do see this. When kids are small, the bash non ever understand why their friends in school, who are non the same colour, are different colourss than them. With this kids can sometimes get down to dislike other for non being the same colour as them. This may be really disturbing for a kid that is the lone dark skinned kid of the household. This may besides do the kids to experience as if they do non belong in their household even though they are really loved by their adoptive parents. Children and parents may besides judge interracial households throughout their childhood and turning up, sometime even stating rude and objectionable things about the household, even though they have no thought about the state of affairs. With this the kids may experience like they do non suit in with the people that they are brought up about. While interracial acceptance has become really common in the United States, which can be considered a really first-class achievement in acceptance bureaus with a larger sum of kids being placed into caring and loving households. With this type of acceptances, acceptance bureaus are conveying different people together to organize new households ; there should be a consideration of where the kids are topographic point into such households. Interracial acceptance can be really good, seting kids into places, larning a new civilization, but it needs to be considered that these kids may lose their cultural background non populating with people of the same race. These kids may besides non understand racism wholly, even being the center of racialist remarks throughout their lives that will neer travel off. While some acceptance bureaus do non take the kid and how they may see things different into consideration, it should be made known that is non all about acquiring the kids out of Foster a ttention, but into a household that they will be able to associate to. This is about what is in the best involvement of the kid, non the parent. ( Nixon )

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Celta assignment

The receptive skill chosen for this assignment is reading, and the authentic material used for the purpose of developing this skill is an article entitled, Greenwich is packed full of Londons most popular attractions [1], which will be related to the productive skill of writing. The learners reside in London and come from EU countries (mostly Italy), and motives for learning the English language vary. The age factor of the students may suggest different needs and cognitive skills, however all the students are competent to a pre-intermediate level of the English language. The authentic text chosen is an article from the Metro newspaper online website, (metro. co. uk). The text is about attractions in Greenwich and I believe that this text will interest learners because it gives information on how to explore London in new ways they may have not been aware of, as well as further demographic exposure of their surroundings. This text will also provide students the opportunity to get together and practise their English as most of the text has proper names of places, which will help students identify the capitalization of Proper Nouns for a writing task for example. Receptive Skills The aims of this lesson are: Detailed reading or intensive reading, as Jim Scrivener (Learning Teaching, p. 264) states, reading texts closely and carefully with the intention of gaining understanding of as much detail as possible. 1 Gist reading skimming the written text to get a general idea of what it is about 2, as Jeremy Harmer states (How to Teach English, p. 101). Task Summary Setting the context: The topic for the lesson is London attractions in Greenwich. As a lead in, to get the students interested in the material, I would ask them to look at the title of the text, Greenwich is packed full of Londons most popular attractions, and in groups write down what these popular attractions may be. The resulting group discussions would have the students forming ideas on attractions in London, which correlates to the content of the text. This will act as a good transition into the following reading tasks. Although there are plenty of new vocabulary items in the article, I think students would not have any significant difficulties in grasping the overall meaning of the text. Detailed reading task For the detailed reading task, the students would read through the article and give short true or false answers to comprehension about the attractions there are to explore in the Greenwich area of London. This task focuses on the sub-skill of reading for detail, as the students will need to find the attractions listed in the article and why the statements are true or false. Rationale: The purpose of this activity is to inform students of the attractions London has to offer within Greenwich. To encourage the reading I would give the students an ample amount of time for this activity. Students would peer-check and receive class feedback. The language and phrases derived from this activity may be useful for a following writing activity. Gist reading task This task will require the students to gist read the title of the article and describe what they think the article is about. Rationale: This task focuses on the reading sub-skill of skimming for gist. The reason for this activity is to ensure that the students understand the general topic of the text and this may also generate more interest to read the text further. To complete this task effectively, students would need to skim the title to get a general understanding of the article. The students would have 3 minutes for this activity and discuss in pairs or groups. An enforced time limit ensures that just conclude a general summary of what the article may be about. Productive Skills Writing task 1: The students will write a short/brief description of popular attractions in their own country or town, using the article as an example. Rationale: The writing task should allow students to be able to write about something that they can relate to, modeling texts similar to the article read. Writing task 2: Students will write a short informal e-mail to a friend, giving information about an attraction they have visited in London. Learners will inform their friends of a place where they ate and drank and places they shopped and an attraction such as architecture for example. Rationale: This task is a real-life scenario of communicating, and provides a good opportunity for students to practice and develop their skills. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books 1 Jim Scrivener, Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching, MacMillan, 2010 2 Jeremy Harmer, How to teach English: New Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2007 Online [1]. http://metro. co. uk/2012/09/07/greenwich-is-packed-full-of-londons-most-popular-attractions-567671/, November 30, 2013 [online] Available at: Greenwich is packed full of London’s most popular attractions Friday 7 Sep 2012 2:23 pm The insider’s guide to the capital’s hidden gems visits Greenwich – an area where there’s plenty of time to explore. The National Maritime Museum is one of London’s leading lights (Pic: File) Chances are, if you’re in Greenwich, you came to see the Cutty Sark, the Royal Naval Museum or to stand with your legs either side of the Meridian Line at the Royal Observatory. These are some of London’s most popular attractions – and for good reason – but they are by no means all Greenwich has to offer. Venture off the tourist trail and you’ll find a winding, historic neighbourhood with some great places to eat, drink and shop. The main strip, around Cutty Sark DLR station, has a seaside vibe. It’s popular with visitors and the famous covered Greenwich Market (Tue to Sun, 10am-5. 30pm, shopgreenwich. co. uk/greenwich-market ) is likely to be one of your first stops. One half sells fairly standard market fair, including graffiti prints, jewellery and clothing from far flung corners of the world. The other half comprises food stalls (on Wednesdays and weekends) which are a great alternative to the clutch of tourist-orientated eateries and lacklustre chains on Greenwich Church Street. Exotic, cheap and extremely tasty, the queues are worth it for Ethiopian stews, pad Thai or sushi. Unfortunately, there isn’t really anywhere to sit, so either head around the corner for a bench view of the Cutty Sark or, better still, lose the crowds altogether by heading to the picturesque park behind St Alfege Church, just a stone’s throw from the market. In terms of shopping, Greenwich has a surprising amount of gems. In the main melee, you’ll find the reliable second-hand charity bookshop Oxfam Books (2 College Approach, Tel: 020 8305 1656), as well as Music Video Exchange (23 Greenwich Church Street, Tel: 020 8858 8898), both good for a rummage. Further treasure can be found around the corner and down the road at Greenwich High Road’s Clocktower Market (Sat and Sun, 10am-5pm, clocktowermarket. co. uk ). You’ll come across hard-to-find CDs, tatty old beer signs and even some decent vintage clothing. However, if you’ve already bought enough treats, next to the market, you’ll find films of a largely artistic nature being screened at the Greenwich Picturehouse (180 Greenwich High Road, Tel: 0871 902 5732, picturehouses. co. uk ). In need of sustenance? If the weather is good, a few places further south on Royal Hill are good for a sit-down away from the visitor furore. The Greenwich Union (56 Royal Hill, Tel: 020 8692 6258, greenwichunion. com ) and Richard I (52-54 Royal Hill, Tel: 020 8692 2996, richardthefirst. co. uk ) are popular with locals and both have tables out where you can nurse a pint while watching the world go by – very slowly. Or, continuing in the same direction, you’ll find the Guildford Arms (55 Guildford Grove, Tel: 020 8691 6293, theguildfordarms. co. uk ), another pub, this time with a beautiful, hidden garden. For tea and cake, Royal Teas (76 Royal Hill, Tel: 020 8691 7240, royalteascafe. co. uk ) takes some beating. Or pull up a tables at Buenos Aires Cafe (86 Royal Hill, Tel: 020 8488 6764, buenosairesltd. com ), which is the perfect place for a couple of empanadas and a coffee. If those clouds are looking a bit ominous, back towards the action you’ll find La Fleur (18 Royal Hill, Tel; 020 8305 1772). Part plant shop, part cafe, it’s essentially a cafe in a greenhouse. Back in the thick of it, by Cutty Sark station you’ll find plenty of folk heading to riverside pubs. Try The Trafalgar Tavern (6 Park Row, Tel: 020 8858 2909, trafalgartavern. co. uk ) and The Cutty Sark Tavern (4-6 Ballast Quay, Tel: 020 8858 3146, cuttysarktavern. co. uk ), both of which have views of the river. Truth be told, the vista isn’t that pretty, so you’re better off venturing across Greenwich Park to the Royal Observatory on One Tree Hill. The hill is no relation to the US TV show. In fact, you couldn’t get more British. Trek to the top for a panorama of Greenwich and the skyscrapers of Docklands behind it. APPENDIX A: Receptive skills Detailed reading task Instructions: Read the statements below and decide if they are true or false. Write T for true and F for false in the space provided. a) Cutty Sark is not in Greenwich. __ b) You can buy food from the food stalls on Wednesday and weekends. __ c) There are no pubs in Greenwich. __ d) There are no places to shop in Greenwich. __ e) You can eat and drink water and crackers at the Royal Teas__ f) The Royal Observatory is near a park__ Answer sheet detailed reading a) F False b) T- True c) F False d) F False e) F False f) T True Gist reading task Instructions Read the title of article and describe what you think the article is about. Answer sheet gist reading The article is about Londons most popular attractions in Greenwich. APPENDIX B: Productive skills Writing task 1: Write a short/brief description of a popular attraction in your own country or town. In your description include: A famous place tourists can visit, a place to eat and describe the food (Remember that the place of the name must be in capital letter) - Writing Task 2 Your friend Antonio has e-mailed you and asked you to write him about a tourist attraction in the city of London. Write an e-mail to Antonio telling him: ? (Where to go for a meal and drinks) (Where to shop and what they sell) (What attraction to see and why they should see this)

Friday, October 18, 2019

SWOT Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SWOT Analysis - Coursework Example Walmart also has a very competitive pricing pattern (Kummer). By promoting locally produced food items, they are saving on the side of transportation and middle men and are able to place smaller orders (Kummer). Weakness The prices are not really low but the company is only creating a perception that they are low with the slogan, â€Å"always low prices† (Zenith). It has been pointed out that 80% to 85% of Wal-Mart’s items are more expensive† (Zenith). There has been allegation that the quality of goods sold at Walmart is poor and the service is also not up to the expectations of the customers (Zenith). Another bad reputation of the company has been that â€Å"Wal-mart’s buying practices injure its vendors† (Zenith). Walmart’s poor services to its workers had come under criticism many a times (Zenith). The conventional â€Å"business model and organizational rigidity† of Wal-Mart has been another weakness of this company (Zenith). Oppor tunities It has been an advantage of Walmart that, â€Å"instead of establishing stores near major urban centers where the population concentrates, Wal-Mart expands from its Arkansas base by constructing new stores that are strategically located near distribution centers and in smaller towns† (Rao, Qingyuan yue and Ingram, 7).

Synoptic Module on Economic Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Synoptic Module on Economic Policy - Essay Example The role of FX Trading Analyst is to watch over the market trend of each foreign currency since the market is very unstable. Prior to making any trading decisions, the analyst needs to study the economic foundation of the past, present, and future status of each currency that is tradable. Since the marketplaces are interconnected, a number of different rates (prices) have to be considered depending on what the bank or the market maker is currently trading. Given that there is too little or no available inside information with regards to the foreign exchange markets, the FX Trading analyst needs to determine the actual causes of the monetary flows in the country of the currency being traded. To determine all these information, it is necessary for the analyst to regularly watch the News or read the newspapers. However, large banks have a more competitive edge over the private or individual speculators because banks are able to see their customers’ flow of order. The analyst is free to choose between the use of fundamental analysis or the technical analysis. Both tools are used to detect the increase or decrease of the currency value being traded. Fundamental tools include analyzing the overall macroeconomic environment of the countries with major currency based on the news and currency updates on the GDP, interest rates, investments, international trading, calamities, terrorist attacks, etc. In most cases, a serious terrorist attack is enough to make a sudden change in the trading of currencies.

Patents provide competitive advantage for Kodak Essay

Patents provide competitive advantage for Kodak - Essay Example Therefore, these companies are given a chance to create a form of temporary monopoly on their products, and through this way, they are able to make profits. In addition, they are able to encourage innovators in the company to develop more products. Once a company infringes Kodak’s patents is liable to be charged in a court of law, and through this way Kodak can receive settlement money. For example, there were cases where Kodak had sued Samsung and LG, and they compensated them $550 and $400 million respectively. Moreover, the company acquires negotiated licensing deals concerning the patents. On the other hand, the company able to reduce chances of other companies infringing their patents and this can facilitate full utilization of their patents. In fact, due to the high amounts of money charged in courts for settlement, this can be a source of discouragement for other companies to infringe the Kodak’s patents. Therefore, the company operates in a market without competition that can affect their pricing strategy, which can lead to low income. In fact, a company like Kodak is willing to go to the extent of suing companies that infringe the patents in order to protect the favorable business environment provided by these patents. After the patent has expired, any company is given the freedom to copy the technology; thus, Kodak maximizes their profit out of the patents before they expire. However, in order to achieve this, ensures that the patent is generating substantial money as a source of intellectual property income. Therefore, Kodak is able generate a lot of income from the intellectual property by establishing a large catalogue and ensuring that their shares do not fall. Moreover, increasing the catalogue and using substantial marketing strategies they are able to make high volumes of sales that can generate high profit margins. The patents offer a form of temporary monopoly for the company; thus,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discussion 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Discussion 8 - Essay Example higher education tax credit of up to $2500, $25 increase in weekly unemployment benefit and $7 billion worth of broadband deployments in the rural areas (Bureau of Economic Analysis report, 2009). Demand refers to how much buyers are willing and able to buy whereas supply refers to how much producers are willing and able to deliver to the market. Buyers use their disposable income for investment and consumption. Disposable income is the amount that is left after income is taxed. The tax credit provided for by the stimulus package reduces the taxable income leading to a higher disposable income. Due to the increased disposable income, buyers increase their aggregate demand for goods and services and investments such as homes, cars, technology, good health and education. To meet the increased demand, producers increase production of the goods in question, hence increased aggregate supply. Consequently, the market equilibrium is met. For the ten years there will be observed increase in aggregate demand and supply reaching higher equilibrium points which translates to economic

Responses to DQ1Selling ReceivableDW and DQ2 Use of Depreciation CH Essay

Responses to DQ1Selling ReceivableDW and DQ2 Use of Depreciation CH - Essay Example The mechanism of factoring is a good way for companies to improve their liquidity and cash position. DQ2 Your premise that depreciation is a technique that is used to devalue an asset instead of being a method for asset valuation is completely correct. When I first read the message of the president of Keene Company I thought, â€Å"Where did this guy go to business school†. The premise the person stated is illogical. The person is mixing accounting concepts. Depreciation only has one purpose which is to devalue an asset through the passage of time. As you stated in your response book value and market values are different. There are different methods of depreciation that can be used by an accountant. Four depreciation methods are declining balance, sum of year digits, straight line, and the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) (Fixedassetssoftware, 2011). The MACRS method is an accelerated depreciation method that is used of assets that lose value fast such as comp uters. References Besley, S., Brigham, E. (2000). Essentials of Managerial Finance (12th ed.). Fort Worth: The Dryden Press. (2011). Depreciation Methods. Paragon Systems.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Patents provide competitive advantage for Kodak Essay

Patents provide competitive advantage for Kodak - Essay Example Therefore, these companies are given a chance to create a form of temporary monopoly on their products, and through this way, they are able to make profits. In addition, they are able to encourage innovators in the company to develop more products. Once a company infringes Kodak’s patents is liable to be charged in a court of law, and through this way Kodak can receive settlement money. For example, there were cases where Kodak had sued Samsung and LG, and they compensated them $550 and $400 million respectively. Moreover, the company acquires negotiated licensing deals concerning the patents. On the other hand, the company able to reduce chances of other companies infringing their patents and this can facilitate full utilization of their patents. In fact, due to the high amounts of money charged in courts for settlement, this can be a source of discouragement for other companies to infringe the Kodak’s patents. Therefore, the company operates in a market without competition that can affect their pricing strategy, which can lead to low income. In fact, a company like Kodak is willing to go to the extent of suing companies that infringe the patents in order to protect the favorable business environment provided by these patents. After the patent has expired, any company is given the freedom to copy the technology; thus, Kodak maximizes their profit out of the patents before they expire. However, in order to achieve this, ensures that the patent is generating substantial money as a source of intellectual property income. Therefore, Kodak is able generate a lot of income from the intellectual property by establishing a large catalogue and ensuring that their shares do not fall. Moreover, increasing the catalogue and using substantial marketing strategies they are able to make high volumes of sales that can generate high profit margins. The patents offer a form of temporary monopoly for the company; thus,

Responses to DQ1Selling ReceivableDW and DQ2 Use of Depreciation CH Essay

Responses to DQ1Selling ReceivableDW and DQ2 Use of Depreciation CH - Essay Example The mechanism of factoring is a good way for companies to improve their liquidity and cash position. DQ2 Your premise that depreciation is a technique that is used to devalue an asset instead of being a method for asset valuation is completely correct. When I first read the message of the president of Keene Company I thought, â€Å"Where did this guy go to business school†. The premise the person stated is illogical. The person is mixing accounting concepts. Depreciation only has one purpose which is to devalue an asset through the passage of time. As you stated in your response book value and market values are different. There are different methods of depreciation that can be used by an accountant. Four depreciation methods are declining balance, sum of year digits, straight line, and the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) (Fixedassetssoftware, 2011). The MACRS method is an accelerated depreciation method that is used of assets that lose value fast such as comp uters. References Besley, S., Brigham, E. (2000). Essentials of Managerial Finance (12th ed.). Fort Worth: The Dryden Press. (2011). Depreciation Methods. Paragon Systems.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reviewer Prelims Essay Example for Free

Reviewer Prelims Essay Limitations to Economic Models Models: an abstract generalization of how relevant facts actually relate to one another. simplified pictures of reality 1. Liberal Use of Assumptions 2. Ceteris Paribus – Everything else remains constant 3. Short Run – Long Run Short Run is a time range within which output can be adjusted only by changing the amounts of variable inputs remain unchanged. Long run is a time period that is long enough to permit changes in all inputs both fixed variable. ** Fixed – constant/doesn’t change ** Variable – varies 4. The Use of Graph Visual representations of the relationship between 2 variables. ** Cartesian Plane – Rene Descartes Y axis – Independent|Cause X axis – Dependent|Effect Approaches 1. Positive based on facts use to describe an occurrence of an event objective answ. the question, What is? Or What will be? 2. Normative based on opinion subjective / judgmental predictive answ. the question, What ought to be? Or What should be? Branches of Economics MACRO broad birds eye view aggregate demand and supply contributions made by different sectors in the economy MICRO small / individual particular / specific demand and supply detailed close-up view – Implications of Scarcity 1. The need to make choice a. Opportunity b. Benefit or Punishment c. Value Judgment Opinion 2. Rationing Device 3. Competition Four Economic Resources Capital – physical or human capital Land – natural resources (surface | beneath) Labor – blue collar or white collar – is an effort – human skills Entrepreneur – 4 functions: Initiative Business Policy Innovator Risk Taker 1. Availability of Resources Products Goods – tangible Services – intangible Two Parties – producer – demanders (customers) 2. Level of Production Two Approaches – Mkt. Aggregation (macro) Mkt. Segmentation (micro) 3. Manner, Methods and Techniques Procedure of Productions 3 Methods a. Capital – Intensive (capital labor) b. Labor – Intensive (labor capital) c. Intermediate – Production (capital = labor) 4. Target Clients / Customer 2 Methods a. Direct (modern) Networking and Direct Selling b. Indirect (traditional) Manufacturer ïÆ'   Advertiser ïÆ'   Wholesaler ïÆ'   Retailers ïÆ'   Consumer 5. Price – reasonable Profitable ïÆ'   Producers ïÆ'   Profit ïÆ'   Cost Affordable ïÆ'   Consumers ïÆ'   Cost Basic Economic Activities 1. Production Inputs ïÆ'   Procedures ïÆ'   Outputs Classification of Products 1. Basic 2. Luxury 3. Public 4. Free 5. Economic Needs 2. Distribution – Reach Two Methods of Distribution a. Non-conventional – cheapest but slowest b. Conventional – expensive but fast 3. Exchange Barter Sytem Medium of Exhange Legal Tender – Philippine peso Non-legal tender – Foreign currency COMMUNICATIONS Communication Commun (oe) Communis – common Communicare – to share Communication Effectiveness Words – 7% Non-Verbal – 93% : Vocal – 38% | Visual – 55% Vocal rate: phasing of voice voice quality voice pitch Visual oculesics (sight) haptics (touch) kinetics (body movement) accecories chronemics olfactics (hearing) proxemics (special) ** Public Domain ** General Knowledge **Jargons – the technical terminology or characteristics idiom of a special activity or group. Communication Barrier 1. Poor word choice 2. Differing connotations 3. Inappropriate inferences (conclusions) 4. Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation and sentence structure 5. Wrong type of message 6. Poor appearance of the sender of the oral message 7. Poor appearance of written message 8. Distracting environmental factors 9. Receiver incapable of receiving message 10. Poor listening 11. Lack of interest 12. Lack of knowledge needed to understand 13. Different cultural perceptions 14. Language difficulty 15. Emotional state 16. Bias SOCIOLOGY Capacity to shift from one perspective to another Self-experience ïÆ'   wider society Self-centric views ïÆ'   acceptance and understanding of others History of Sociology 19th century French revolution * democratic views starts to sprung Industrialization * capitalist vs. laborers * rise of machinery * social-problems Scientific revolution Pioneers of Sociology 1. Auguste Comte Father of sociology Coined the term socio(companion) and logy(study) 2. Herbert Spencer â€Å"Society is a product of evolution† Social Darwinism influenced him Sociobiologist were not accepted in modern society 3. Karl Marx Employed sociological inquiry with himself Conflict perspective History of the have and have nots 4. Emile Durkheim Father of Modern Sociology Social facts The degree of social integration 5. Max Weber Contradicting the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx Social interaction concept â€Å"rise of Protestantism was a major contributor to the progress of capitalism and industrialization† Culture – way of life Material and Non-material culture Beliefs and traditions Modern/popular culture – personality Social Perspectives: 1. Social Funtionalist Theory Functionalists believe that society is held together by social consensus, in which members of the society agree upon, and work together to achieve, what is best for society as a whole. 2. Social Interaction Theory (symbolic interactionalism which focuses on how people act according to their interpretations of the meaning of their world. 3. Social Conflict theory which focuses on the negative, conflicted, ever-changing nature of society. THEOLOGY Living Like Jesus The Jesus of history and of being human Living like Jesus is COMPLICATED and PROBLEMATIC because of his supernatural state It is a HUGE responsibility to live like him FOUR R’s 1. Rebel A non-conformist; who do not abide He was defiant He was extraordinary because of his differing beliefs 2. Reformist A person who goes for something better 3. Revolutionary A dreamer and an active worker Doesn’t leave anything to chance Never works alone 4. Radical Who do not think and act like the rest Someone who challenges a particular order Jesus was RADICAL-MINDED, LIBERAL-MINDED and PRACTICAL-MINDED Liberating A HERO who is DARING A carpenter Analytical Pragmatic Innovator Jesus’s time Gross injustice that was fed by monstrous greed Impoverished sufferings Patriarchal culture Jesus was BREAKTHROUGH-MINDED Broke away from the way people think during his time MORALITY – value Something that is important to us Actions are always a product of choices Exclusive to human actions Human beings are rational beings Reasoning is a product of intelligence 3 Font principles of Christian Morality 1. Person 2. Context 3. Acts and Consequences Order means survival Survival is everybody’s interest Society comes together to create a system of support If one’s freedom ends, somebody’s freedom begins Co-existence demands Respect Christianity is a success story Thought-fullness People find ways to co-exist with one another People make agreement and collective decisions to have ORDER in the community Order is beauty and beauty is life ** Schechems, Samaria At the well of Schechem he met a woman Ostrasize – excluded/isolated; nobody relates to you ** The Rational being is the Moral Being Base from FREEDOM A moral person is someone who is free to do what he/she likes(chooses to do) for as long as he/she does not infringe Infringe – violates the freedom of others Freedom is not absolute Responsible Freedom – freedom is a responsibility Penology â€Å"penal† ENGLISH Business English Communicative Competence Knowledge of the Language Ability to use the Language Writing Speaking Listening Reading Tasks: 1. Types of Letters 2. â€Å"Simulated Company† Name Logo Slogan/motto Nature of Business Vision/Mission 3. Business Application Letter Curriculum Vitae Bio-data Resume Standard Formal English No errors No contractions Correct tenses Diction Mechanics Spelling Abbreviations Capitalizations Syllabications Punctuations ** Simulation business / company Social Responsibility ** Figures of Speech = Tropes Parts of a Letter: 1. Date Line. The month, day, and year the letter is typed. 2. Inside Address. The name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent. 3. Salutation. An opening greeting such as Dear Ms. Jones. 4. Body. The text of the letter. 5. Complimentary Closing. A closing to the letter such as Sincerely or Yours truly. 6. Signature. The writers signature. 7. Writers Identification. The writers typed name and address. FILIPINO Masining / Malikhaing Pagpapahayag Inilipat sa GEC s2004 Dating Retorika na ayon sa CHED memo #59, s1996 Mga Paksa: 1. Kalikasan at simula ng Retorika 2. Masining na pagpapahayag (pasulat at pasalita) 3. Kritikal na pagbasa sa mga sulatin 4. Pagsulat ng 4 na uri ng pagpapahayag Pagsasalaysay Paglalarawan Paglalahad Pangangatwiran 2 uri ng Pagpapahayag: 1. Traditional 2. Conventional (makabago) Talambuhay: 1. Talambuhay ng sarili 2. Talambuhay ng ibang tao Paksa: 1. Paksa 2. Pagkalap ng impormasyon 3. Pagbabalangkas 4. Pagbasa 5. Muling pagsulat 6. Publikasyon/paglilimbay Paraan – istilo, wika , karakter, angkop sa bumabasa, angkop sa tema, paglalarawan ng karakter Dipinisyon 1. Maanyong Dipinisyon – uri/klase 2. Dipinisyong Pasanaysay Kontrasyon ** Retorika – magaling na tagapagsalita Classical Greek Rethoric 1. Corax – Ama ng Greek Rhetoric Bahagi ng Talunmpati 1. Proem 2. Narrative/Narration 3. Statement of Argument 4. Refutation/opposing argument 5. Summary/Conclusion ** Proem – pagpapakilala sa nilalaman ng talumpati ** Summary – buong punto o buod ng paksa 2. Tisias – estudyante ni Corax Bahagi ng Talumpati 1. Prologue 2. Narrative 3. Argument 4. Epilogue ** Prologue – pagkuha sa atensyon ng takapakinig habang sinasabi ang introduksyon 3. Aristotle Bahagi ng Talumpati 1. Exordium 2. Narratio 3. Divisio (argument) 4. Confirmatio (affirmative) 5. Confutatio (refutation) 6. Conclusio ** Exordium – pagkakaroon ng interaksyon sa tagapagsalita at sa takapakinig mula sa introduksyon Medieval Rhetoric 1. Cicero 5 Canons of Rhetoric 1. Inventio (invention) 2. Despositio (arrangement) 3. Elocotiu (style) 4. Memoria (memory) 5. Action (delivery) ** Inventio – paksa, audience, sitwasyon ** Despositio – balangkas ** Elocotiu – figures of speech ** Memoria – kaisipan 2. Quintillian â€Å"Good man speaking well† Karakter ng isang speaker Tinaguriang Roman Wiseman 3. Tertullian Unang nagtranslate ng Holy Scripture Ama ng Latin Christianity Nagsulat ng Latin Christian Literature Nag-introduce sa Holy Trinity 4. Lucian Satirist Native speaker ng barbarian 5. Hermogenes Griyegong rhetoric Legal documents Ang retorika ay ang pagkakaroon ng mahusay na pagsasalita 6. Capella Prose Narrative Didactic method 7. St. Augustine 8. Cassiodorous Letter writing 9. Isidore Encyclopedia of Human Knowledge Dialectic approach 10. Al Quin Parliamentary Procedure Civic 11. Bede Poetry / poetic way of writing 12. Nother Labeo Latin ïÆ'   German Literature 13. Boethius