Friday, November 29, 2019

Types of poetry and example Analysis Essay Example For Students

Types of poetry and example Analysis Essay Narrative Poem Narrative poetry is a form of poetry that tells a story, often making use of the voices of a narrator and characters as well; the entire story is usually written in metered verse. The poems that make up this genre may be short or long, and the story it relates to may be complex. It is usually dramatic, with objectives, diverse characters, and meter. Narrative poems include epics, ballads, idylls, and lays. Some narrative poetry takes the form of a novel in verse. An example of this is The Ring and the Book by Robert Browning. In terms of narrative poetry, a romance is a narrative poem that tells a story of chivalry. Examples include the Romance of the Rose or Tennyson Idylls of the King. Although these examples use medieval and Arthur materials, romances may also tell stories from classical mythology. Examples: you Fill MY Days -Jack Ellison You fill my days with happiness With Joy I never knew There is no greater love my dear Than the love I feel for you You fill my days with kindness You set my poor heart free I cant begin to tell you How much you mean to me You fill my days with friendship The kind that lasts and lasts The purest kind of friendship What more could one man ask You fill my days with total Joy Like when I was Just a child The first time I could ride a bicycle The clown that made me smile You fill my days with quiet peace That blows my cares away With simple words of tenderness You brighten up my day But most of all sweet lady You fill my days with spice Im never bored when you are near My love its been a slice Peace Can Only Happen Bernard Barclay I cant change the way I feel But yes you can Go and watch a comedian And they will make an audience laugh l am not responsible for your emotions But yes you are Yell and scream at me and that will create anger Every action has a reaction A family that spends their lives Screaming at their children Teach their children to scream at other people A family that spends their time in anger Teach their children to be angry The family that teach their children to fight Put them on the road to fighting Each statement is true and yet is also false With life the child is also an actor in the play A child taught to hate can learn to love A child taught to fight can learn to care A child taught to play can learn to hate We live in a world where we can build peace But if you teach your child to fight Then we must teach ours to fight as well Peace can only happen when we all agree to peace. Little Moments Madison Imminently Do you ever have these thoughts? These scenarios that play on in your mind? They havent exactly happened yet but in your heart you wish they would Could Just be a simple conversation back and forth A glance across the table when our eyes seem to meet The way you gently place your hand on the small of my back as we enter the restaurant Driving down a road with no destination with music up high We will write a custom essay on Types of poetry and example Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The windows down low When Im in the middle of saying something and you stop me in my tracks and kiss Its always these little movie clips These small moments that may be simple gestures but seem to leave the most impact and make you feel weightless Then reality hits and I find that a smile of pure joy has appeared on my face Descriptive Poem Descriptive poetry is the name given to a class of literature that belongs mainly to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. From the earliest times, all poetry not subjectively lyrical was apt to indulge in ornament which might be named secretive. But the critics of the 17th century formed a distinction between the representations of the ancients and those of the moderns. .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b , .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .postImageUrl , .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b , .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b:hover , .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b:visited , .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b:active { border:0!important; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b:active , .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udb214e051695c74d1fe927370fdd996b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dead Poets Society EssayBoiler stated that, while Virgil paints, Toast describes. This may be a useful indication in defining not what should, but what in practice has been called descriptive poetry. Descriptive poetry is poetry in which it is not imaginative passion that prevails, but a didactic purpose or even something of the instinct of a sublimated auctioneer. In other words, the landscape, architecture, still life or whatever may be the object of he poets attention, is not used as an accessory, but is itself the centre of interest. In this sense, it is not correct to call poetry in which description is only the occasional ornament of a poem and not its central subjec t, descriptive poetry. The landscape or still life must fill the canvas or, if human interest is introduced, that must be treated as an accessory Smoke -Henry David Thoreau Light-winged Smoke, Caring bird, Melting thy pinions in thy upward flight, Lark without song, and messenger of dawn, Circling above the hamlets as thy nest; Or else, departing dream, and shadowy form Of midnight vision, gathering up thy skirts; By night star-veiling, and by day Darkening the light and blotting out the sun; Go thou my incense upward from this hearth, And ask the gods to pardon this clear flame. Summer Shower -Emily Dickinson A drop fell on the apple tree, Another on the roof; A half a dozen kissed the eaves, And made the gables laugh. A few went out to help the brook, That went to help the sea. Myself conjectured, Were they pearls, What necklaces could be! The dust replaced in hoisted roads, The birds Josser sung; The sunshine threw his hat away, The orchards spangles hung. The breezes brought dejected lutes, And bathed them in the glee; The East put out a single flag, And signed the fete away. Perfect Woman -Henry Headwords Longfellow SHE was a phantom of delight When first she gleamed upon my sight; A lovely apparition, sent To be a moments ornament; Her eyes as stars of twilight fair; Like twilights, too, her dusky hair; But all things else about her drawn From May-time and the cheerful dawn; A dancing shape, an image gay, To haunt, to startle, and waylay. I saw her upon nearer view, A Spirit, yet a Woman too! Her household motions light and free, And steps of virgin liberty; A countenance in which did meet Sweet records, promises as sweet; A creature not too bright or good For human natures daily food; For transient sorrows, simple wiles, Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears, and smiles. And now I see with eye serene The very pulse of the machine; A being breathing thoughtful breath, A traveler between life and death; The reason firm, the temperate will, Endurance, foresight, strength, and skill; A perfect Woman, nobly planned, To warn, to comfort, and command; And yet a Spirit still, and bright With something of angelic light. Lyric Poetry Lyric poems typically express personal (often emotional) feelings and are traditionally spoken in the present tense. Modern examples often have specific rhyming schemes. Greek lyric poetry was defined by its musical accompaniment, and modern forms are sometimes also set to music or a beat Lyric Poetry consists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. The term lyric is now commonly referred to as the words to a song. Lyric poetry does not tell a story which portrays characters and actions. The lyric poet addresses the reader erectly, portraying his or her own feeling, state of mind, and perceptions. Dying I heard a fly buzz when I died; The stillness round my form Was like the stillness in the air Between the heaves of storm. The eyes beside had wrung them dry, And breaths were gathering sure For that last onset, when the king Be witnessed in his power. I willed my keepsakes, signed away What portion of me I Could make assignable,-and then There interposed a fly, With blue, uncertain, stumbling buzz, Between the light and me; And then the windows failed, and then I could not see to see. Part of Sonnet Number 18, William Shakespeare: Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art lovelier and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed, And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or natures changing course untrimmed. I Felt a Funeral in my Brain I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, And Mourners to and fro Kept treading treading till it seemed That Sense was breaking through And when they all were seated, A Service, like a .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 , .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .postImageUrl , .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 , .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514:hover , .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514:visited , .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514:active { border:0!important; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514:active , .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514 .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf3ca8a4effecce03e5d94e206ebbc514:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Comparing Poetry EssayDrum -Kept beating beating till I thought My Mind was going numb And then I heard them lift a Box And creak across my Soul With those same Boots of Lead, again, Then Space began to toll, As all the Heavens were a Bell, And Being, but an Ear, And l, and Silence, some strange Race Wrecked, solitary, here And then a Plank in Reason, broke, And I dropped down, and down And hit a World, at every plunge, And Finished knowing then Epic Poetry Traditionally, an epic poem is a long, serious, poetic narrative about a significant event, often featuring a hero. Before the development of writing, epic poems were memorize and played an important part in main taining a record of the great deeds and history of a culture. Later, they were written down and the tradition for this kind of poem continued. Epics often feature the following: a hero who embodies the values of a culture or ethnic group; something vital that depends on the success of the heros actions; a broad setting, sometimes encompassing the entire world; intervention by supernatural beings. Examples of epics include Galoshes, the Odyssey, and Beowulf. Odyssey The opening book of the Homers Odyssey foreshadows what will happen in the next 23 books. Starting in the middle (after the invocation of the Muse), Book I quickly summarizes events leading to Ethanes appearance before the council of the gods to ask for help bringing Odysseus safely back to his kingdom of Ithaca: After the fall of Troy, the Greeks tried to sail home, but most of them, cursed by the gods, failed or met death upon their return. Not so Odysseus. Between the ten years of the Trojan War and the years Poseidon has spent blocking Odysseus homecoming, Telemeters, the infant son Odysseus left behind, has become a man, faced with the difficult task of staving off his mothers suitors. Now that Poseidon is on vacation, so to speak: But now that god Had gone off among the sunburns races, Most remote of men, at earths two verges, In sunset lands and lands of the rising sun, To be regaled by smoke of thighbones burning, Haunches of rams and bulls, a hundred fold. (From Fitzgerald translation. ) All the other gods support Athena. Jupiter dispatches the gods messenger, Hermes, to instruct the nymph Calypso to give up the man she has detained seven years. Meanwhile, Athena contrives to persuade Telemeters to take action. Disguising herself as a trusted family friend, Mentis, she descends to Ithaca to persuade Telemeters to hold an assembly, rebuke the suitors, and commission a boat with crew to travel throughout Heals seeking news of his father. Besides establishing the direction of the story and briefing the listener on recent events, the first book of the Odyssey presents a series of contrasts between the divine and mortal worlds and a parallel between Odysseus family and that of the leader of the Achaean forces at Troy, Agamemnon. The gods had warned Augustus against taking what was not his, but Augustus wouldnt listen. While the Achaeans fought the Trojan, Augustus took Agamemnon fife and kingdom of Mycenae for his own. He got his desserts when Agamemnon son Rooster killed him for murdering his father. Rooster revenge marks his transition to manhood and wins him his patrimony. It is important that Telemeters be willing to do the same: keep his mother safe for his father and kill the men who would steal his patrimony, should it become necessary. Just as Athena had to convene a meeting of the gods before putting her plan to work, so it is important for Telemeters to gain the backing of the Ithacan elders. Proper procedure must be followed.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay The Dress Essay Example

Essay The Dress Essay Example Essay The Dress Paper Essay The Dress Paper When she is finished from work, she wants to be the loved person, and In fact she cant go on with the Job. She Is considering to quit it and start making Jewelry instead. She wants her birthday dinner to be quiet and neat and not with big emoticon showings, and she wants her two daughters Flora and Rachel to get on more well, since they are not getting on well at all. Rachel and Flora are sisters and it would seem that Rachel is the oldest of the two. She Is tall, brave and clever, and Flora is Jealous at her for being that. It seems that Flora Is always trying to be better than Rachel In any way, but without success. Flora and Rachel does not get on well. Communication between them is always in an angry tone of voice (barbed and dangerous). Flora has got an extreme need of being superior to her sister, and as a result of this, Rachel always keeps her stuff locked up. Generally Rachel hates Flora especially after Flora has taken Earaches dress. The story starts in medias rest. The events in it are almost represented in a chronological order, but there are flashbacks. Furthermore you could say, that this story Is written opposite the cosmos-chaos-cosmos-model. At first we read about Rachel screaming and she has got a huge problem with the fact, that her sister has taken her dress. Later on we read about the crime itself and then the dinner and at last the fatal occasion and confession. In the end both girls leave their mother. Rachel to live apart from her sister and Flora to not face her mothers disappointment. It is total chaos, and Flora Is In a state of mind, where she would think of doing something stupid. There Is a lot of symbolism In the text. First of all the dress could symbolize the mothers love. Rachel has got it, and she will not give it away, even though Flora ants it very badly. When Flora then steals the dress, it could symbolize the friendship between the two girls. Flora abuses their friendship, and then she ruins it totally and try to forget that it ever existed. The noise in the restaurant could symbolize the mind activity of Rachel especially but also the mother and Flora. Rachel and Floras minds are In disorder because of the dress, the mothers mind Is In disorder because of her job and daughters. Alberta, the Italian, could symbolize an inner voice of Floras, telling her that she in fact did look as wonderful as she had always wanted to. The icy autumn weather could symbolize the mind of Flora. It is without hope, without happiness. It is cold since all of her opportunities for regaining the love of her sister and mother has been blown. At last the father could symbolize a lifeboat to rescue people from a sinking boat. The family would be the sinking boat n w c ten mother stay, Hoar leaves to crown on near own, Ana Rachel seeks lifeboat, her father. In the text there are themes such as family problems, stealing, Jealousy, growing up, celebration, inability to show love and inability to forgive, hitch leads us back to he topic question: When should you forgive, and when should you not forgive? I think it seems like Rachel and her mother has never really been able to contain Flora. She is not as pretty and smart, so they feel different from her. When Flora then make mistakes, they cant really forgive her and that probably led to Flora becoming more and more obsessed with surpassing Rachel. I think you should always forgive people their mistakes for if you dont you really have a problem at the time when you make a mistake. And I think that you are always capable of forgiving anyone. Its a matter of will.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Annotated bibliography Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Annotated bibliography - Term Paper Example All over the world, most students are heartbroken by their peers, tutors or even parents by being told that they can’t make or they are typically not good enough. Teaching is an extremely exhausting profession but I have come to realize that it requires understanding, patience enthusiasm and compassion. These things are among the many am ready to provide daily. My hope is that you find is that you find practically everything you wish to about my views on education, my teaching style, my philosophy and many of learning aspects that I have achieved so far. Hopefully, by going through this portfolio you will come to comprehend the teacher in me. My goal and vision is to elaborate strengths that make me efficient, passionate and useful part of any teaching team out there. I strongly believe in treating all students respectfully and equally (this implies treating students differently as per their needs and giving each student a chance to succeed on their own terms), group works, fi eld-trips and extra-curriculum activities, fairness, making learning meaningful to the students, student-centered learning and realization that teaching and learning is a continuous process therefore to help generate and improve my ideas and teaching strategies I have to undertake researches and study widely (Crookes 72). In the sense that different students are gifted with different abilities and capabilities, different students should in the same sense be subjected to different learning speed, work load and attention.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Personal Application Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

The Personal Application Assignment - Essay Example We fight all the time over petty matter like who will pay the bill and who will take the car front seat, what we wonder about is when wars will end. The people we meet on an everyday basis on the campus are either groups of natives or groups of non-natives. No mixes of non-ordinary type. People who try to form such groups either fall out in some semester over cultural differences or over religious matters. People who are hardliners, somehow find excuses to impose ‘my way or the highway’ sort of values on the group. That is when the group starts to fall apart. I always think and always have thought that our group of friends is the most awkward type. We were all sitting in a coffee house once when I said it out loud. I was seconded and even laughed at, especially by Jerry. Sabrina the smart one as she calls herself said that she thought it was a rare thing and not many people were gifted. I agreed with her. Isaid I felt at home with was everybody, even though none of them spoke mynative language. That stunned my friends a bit. Silence at the table brought home a realization which we never actually thought of earlier. I was the only guy who actually was of Asian origins while all others were either Europeans or Americans. For us it has never been about rules, it has always been about discovering new things together.My friends had come to love anIndonesian dessert which is I make at home. We went with Arthur on his religious trip, met with Matilda’s guy and discovered that they will marry soon enough, learnt about law and congratulated Sabrina on picking such a boring subject.Together we went to see the Grand Canyons which was my idea and the Disney World which was the girls’ idea during the term break; driving from one place to the other. I think of our group and our mischiefs often. Not that we were into serious kind of stuff. We were just the naughty kind of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Communications - Assignment Example Requirements include: Bachelors Degree in Accounting/Finance; Sound knowledge of accounting policies and procedures and of basic financial techniques for planning, forecasting, and related analyses; Strong analytical skills required; CPA a plus. To apply for this exciting position, please contact me at Job Experience: 1-3 Years The job is appealing because it is totally related to my interest. I want to build my career in the research. The job posting and the requirements are interesting and can help me build my career in the financial market. Additionally it is the job posting of Parker & Lynch, which is located in New Jersey. The NJ is considered as one of the most appealing place of the world to build career in finance. Moreover, Parker & Lynch is a firm totally focused in financial services. Therefore, it is more convincing and appealing to work with hi ghly professional financial analysts that can help me learn a lot regarding the Financial Market. Cover Letter: Dear Sir/Madam, I’m a candidate for Level-III June-13 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program from CFA Institute, Virginia, USA. I've fairly detailed understanding of professional and ethical standards regarding investment management. I’ve done MBA (Finance) from highly recognized University. During my studies my core modules were Financial Statement Analysis, Corporate Finance, and Fixed Income, Portfolio Management, Quantitative Techniques, Equity, Money Market and Capital Market. I grasped a holistic view of the functions and practice of the financial planning. I have got deep attention to detail and that always helps me in all my analytical tasks. I am fully focused on my career. I am looking for a job that gives me a space to accomplish meaningful and worthy achievements for the company in such a way that I can also grow along with the organizational o utcomes. I have a crystal clear vision about my possible placement and that is achieving quick results individually and as a part of a team. I have got good ability to interpret situations and I am strongly focused on activities that generate value to the company and its customers. This is a brief overview of my studies, my professional experience & personality. I hope if given a chance, I will definitely be an asset for your Institution. Looking forward to hearing you soon. Kind Regards; XYZ. Curriculum Vitae ABC Address: Tel: Email: Objective education work experience Uiversity Projects other skills INTErests rEFERENCES To obtain a distinct position in the global financial industry where I can play my role in analysing financial instruments and get to the top while enhancing my analytical skills. CFA Level III Candidate MBA Finance MTO at an Investment Boutique Intern at Walls Fargo Work Cited "Financial Analyst/ Team Environment Jobs in Parsippany, New Jersey - Park er & Lynch

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rent-A-Captive Insurance Company Development

Rent-A-Captive Insurance Company Development A Critical Analysis of the Benefits, Risks and  Implications of Creating an Off-shore  Rent-a-Captive Insurance Company in Bermuda. Contents (Jump to) Abstract Chapter 1    Methodology Chapter 2 –   Research Process Chapter 3 – Findings and Evaluation of Findings 3.1 Captive 3.2   Analysis of Benefits, Risks and Implications 3.3 Rent-A-Captive 3.4 Pestle Analysis 3.5 Porter’s Five Forces Abstract The potential for utilizing a rent-a-captive facility in Bermuda represents a method that is a business proposition to examination the risks, benefits and implications of utilizing this as a viable strategy. Inherent in equating any strategy are its suitability, ease of entry and exit as well as costs and weighing these against the learning curve and relative benefits that will accrue in best and worst case scenarios. To reach such a determination, the examination will employ a number of strategic as well as financial tools, along with the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology to determine its viability in a general, specific and overall sense. The use of any business strategy has either direct and or indirect implications which represent variables that must prove their worth in their ability to further the overall aims, objectives and purpose of the entity and to be particularly of benefit in adverse economic conditions and or unforeseen occurances. The preceding tough evaluative climate represents the acid test via which to effectively prove or disprove its potential worth to the enterprise. A ‘captive insurance company’ represents an entity that is set up for the limited purpose by parent insurance companies to finance risks from the main organization and or its subsidiaries (Bawcutt, 1997, pp. 8-9). Rather than representing a new concept, captive insurance companies have been around since the mid 1870s, borne out of ‘protection and indemnity’ clubs of that period which offered marine insurance in coverage of third party liabilities as well as expenses emanating from either operating or owning ships as a principle (Braithwaite and Drahos, 2000, p. 157). The preceding was a result of the passage of the Lord Campbell Act of 1846 (Alabama Law Review, 2004, p. 884), which â€Å"†¦ was enacted by the English Parliament †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and titled the ‘Fatal Accidents Act of 1846’ whose purpose was â€Å"†¦ to alleviate the harsh results †¦Ã¢â‚¬  from either serious injury or death on ships during that period (Alabama Law Review, 2004, p. 884). Claim liability potential was increased as a result of the flood of immigrants traveling to the United States as well as the higher value of cargos and injuries to crew members. The Protection and Liability Clubs pooled resources to cover claims arising from the passage of the act and minimize exposure for the primary insurance carriers such as Lloyd’s of London (Alabama Law Review, 2004, p. 884). Captive insurance companies can be utilized to provide insurance coverage for commercial purposes, as well as industrial and governmental entities to insure either all or part of the risks facing an organization (Geisel, 2004). Captive insurance companies also can be formed as a result of companies that have similar business risks joining together to pool said risks in a cost effective manner to have the needed insurance coverage for these types of areas (Geisel, 2004). The increased growth in this industry segment is a result of the change in the way businesses and organizations see the way to finance their risks as it represents a more flexible approach against potential losses, augmenting catastrophic risk that is covered via conventional means (Sammer, 2001). Critical to the preceding is understanding that insurance represents â€Å"coverage by a contract binding †¦Ã¢â‚¬  one party to â€Å"†¦ indemnify another against specified loss †¦Ã¢â‚¬  as a return for pr emiums paid covering said insurance (Houghton Mifflin, 2006). It, insurance, represents a form of ‘risk management’ that is a hedge against some type of financial loss that has a probable incidence of occurring, thus insurance represents the transfer of this risk from one entity to another as a result of the exchange of premiums calculated based upon the potential of occurrence. The preceding summary will provide an understanding of the purpose and niche regarding captive insurance companies as well as how they fit into the overall realm of the insurance industry represents important background information that is germane to the topic of ‘a critical analysis of the benefits, risks and implications of creating an off-shore rent-a-captive insurance company in Bermuda’. Chapter 1 – Methodology The methodology that will be utilized in this examination will consist of understanding the nuances involved in the process of single parent captives as well as rent-a-captives to determine the subtle and or obvious differences that represent either positive or negative factors which a company would need to be aware of as well as consider to have a full understanding of the process. Inherent in such is the understanding of the legal, business, regulatory, financial, operational and administrative facets of the process and how these impact upon each other in the utilization of a rent-a-captive facility. The preceding represents a broad based understanding as well as in depth with regard to the benefits, risks, implications and related factors. In equating such this examination will employ such tools as Porter’s Five Forces framework, a SWOT analysis, as well as a Pestle Analysis and a discussion of the Balanced Scorecard to aid in reaching a determination of the foregoing. The limitations to the methodology may be in that the tools of analysis are not directly suitable to analyze the process, and or they may be too many business, operational and or industry variables to enable equating if the process is or will be effective in all or most instances. The methodology is limited by the complexity of the problem in that the decision branch tree factor may be too large to adequately cover all of the potential nuances and aspects which might be important. As the basis for the study is the suitability of a certain structure for potential utilization, the methodology is thus simplified into gathering and comparison as a means to uncover the basics and related detail factors which appear in multiple sources. Chapter 2 Research Process The research process will consist of secondary measures utilizing books, journals and online sources to provide a wide cross section of ideas, viewpoints, concepts, theories and practices to ensure that the salient foundational information is based upon the true and actual conditions present. Through a comparative analysis entailing systematic methodologies of collecting, review and analysis of data, the foregoing will provide for such an outcome. Yin (1994) advises that in conducting research, one should seek to equate the positioning of such against real life phenomenon by virtue of gathering a number of viewpoints to reach a balanced understanding. Yin (1994) also adds that the broader the examination, the better will be the grasp of the information and thus conclusions reached. Maxwell (1996) supports Yin’s (1994) approach and cautions that quality is more important than quantity, thus the research process will seek to weed out lesser sources in favor of more established ones through a comparative process. The preceding represents the suggested approach as put forth by Lieberson (1991), as well as King et al (1994). As the subject represents a pragmatic consideration whereby theory is less important, the comparative analysis of sources is easier as the base information should be relatively close, if not identical, depending upon the jurisdictional locale. Said variable renders the research process as relatively straight forward. Chapter 3 – Findings and Evaluation of Findings In examining the subject matter, background information as well as facts, details and information pertaining to the field of captive insurance companies is an important foundation to understanding the benefits of a rent-a-captive as a comparison. The forgoing includes an understanding of the jurisdiction in which the rent-a-captive is located. 3.1 Captive 3.1.1 Bermuda Bermuda’s entrance into the international insurance market got its start in 1947 when it was selected by C.V. Starr â€Å"†¦ as the location for his American International Company, Limited (Bermuda Market Solutions, 2005, p. 3). The captive concept was promulgated by Fred Reiss in the mid 1960s as â€Å"†¦ an insurer owned by a non-insurance parent †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bermuda Market Solutions, 2005, p. 3) which was established to finance the insurable exposures of the parent. Bermuda is the global leader in the captive insurance market, growing dramatically during the 1980s as a result of group captives that were created to permit smaller companies to align with those of similar interests to thus gain greater control over their insurance through the pooling of risks (Bermuda Market Solutions, 2005, p. 3). One of the largest of these was the OIL Insurance Ltd. that was formed by petroleum companies in the early 1970’s as a result of difficulties they were facing in the property insurance market. Table 1 – Total Insurance Assets for all International Insured’s (in billions) (Bermuda Market Solutions, 2005, p. 3) Bermuda, is the premier domicile for captive insurance companies as well as rent-a-captives with in excess of 1700 insurers (, 2004). The captive insurance market has slowed over the last couple of years in contrast to its rapid growth pace of the late 1980s and 1990s with other locales offering similar advantages thus effectively bringing its share of the global market down to approximately one third of all captives from a high of 40% in the mid 1990s (Crombie, 2005). Locations such as the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Hawaii, Guernsey, and Barbados as well as Dublin, along with an addition 45 other jurisdiction as well as a number of states in the U.S. have slowed Bermuda’s growth and market share as a result (Crombie, 2005). Other factors in this trend have been (Crombie, 2005): the increased popularity of risk retention groups whose small size, in general, does not make them really suitable for location in Bermuda, increased marketing by new jurisdictions such as Hawaii and Vermont which have the advantage of being American states, developments in the varied types of corporate vehicles that are available, notably segregated account companies, and lastly, the ways in which some jurisdictions count their captives, including those that have formed and not removing them once they have been dissolved. Another important consideration is cost. Bermuda is expensive and thus since cost does matter to smaller captives as well as those operating on slimmer margins, there selection of locale takes this facet into account. Bermuda’s client base primarily consists of large U.S., European and South American companies whose presence has been in that location for some time (Crombie, 2005). The cost is offset by Bermuda’s reputation, quality of professional expertise as well as the ease of access thus minimizing the cost variable over the long term as a result of the foregoing and the locale’s stability. Another factor that must be considered with respect to Bermuda’s global positioning in terms of the attraction of new captives is the limited infrastructure on the island for residences, schools and traffic. Bermuda is basically more of an exclusive club which is based upon quality as opposed to quantity (Crombie, 2005). As the third largest insurance local after Ne w York and London, Bermuda’s new business formations in 2004 saw approximately 50% in the form of captives (, 2004). The country is the number one location for segregated account companies with 83 that include 6,234 cells within cells as compared to 126 protected cell companies in all other locations as of 2003 (, 2004). Table 2 – Captives by Domicile Year End 2002 (Towers Perrin, 2004) Table 3 – Leading Captive Domiciles (Elliott, 2005) The preceding represents data on captives as of year end 2002, thus accounting for the higher figures indicated above, showing captive numbers for domiciles mentioned as a comparison. 3.1.2 Rent-a-Captive Insurance Companies A rent-a-captive insurance company provides ‘captive’ insurance facilities to other companies for a fee and protects itself from any losses via individual programs that are further isolated from losses via other programs in the same company (Banham, 2001). Banham (2001) provides the analogy of thinking of a rent-a-captive insurance company â€Å"†¦ as a mall of stores †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and each store represents â€Å"†¦ the self insurance program of a particular company†. The rent-a-captive concept represents the fact that a company does not have to go through the procedures and regulations entailed with incorporating its own captive as it is able to lease one instead. The preceding represents a business rationale for creating an off-shore rent-a-captive insurance company, leasing out its existence. The concept of the rent-a-captive provides much of the same benefits that corporate owned captives do in that it provides (Banham, 2001): increased control regarding losses as a result of improved claims management, the ability to derive a profit from underwriting along with investment income from the funds that are set aside for claim reserves, various tax benefits, and avoidance of accounting and audit issues, which are the responsibility of the rent-a-captive sponsor. The advantages of the establishment of a rent-a-captive insurance company depend upon a number of factors on the part of the interested company. These aspects shall be discussed in the analysis of the benefits, risks, and implications of a rent-a-captive. 3.2 Analysis of Benefits, Risks and Implications In equating the reasons, as well as benefits, risks and implications of forming a rent-a-captive it is important to have an understanding of the reasons as to why captives are formed, thus providing an understanding of the benefits of a rent-a-captive. The following represent the foregoing (Elliott, 2005): To reduce and or stabilize cost Generally, the financing of risk under a captive lowers overall cost and aids in stabilizes costs long term as a result of being less susceptible to changes in the insurance market. Examples of cost savings are represented by the fact there is: no profit load, the reduction and or elimination of commissions to brokers, lower costs for administration, the owners in a captive share in all of the earnings through policyholder or shareholder dividends, a captive avoids costly insurance regulations as well as the exclusion of payments into residual market pools and premium taxes, savings in loss – cost is another area as captives serve to increase the awareness of risk management as well as cost awareness among top management. The savings benefits, in general, exceed the expense of both setting up the captive as well as administering it. Increase capacity and provide access to reinsurance A captive can access the capacity of reinsurance markets and might be able to provide more coverage limits than available within the retail market. An example of the preceding is whereby multiple insurers participate in what is termed as a slip to offer millions in added capacity which would not otherwise be available. A ‘slip’ is a binder that often includes more than one insurer. An example of the preceding is provided by Lloyd’s of London whereby the slip is passed from underwriting to underwriter to initial and subscribe to specific parts of a risk (, 2006). Control One of the reasons for the origin of captives is due to insurance buyers that were tired of the vagaries of the market regarding insurance and looked for more control concerning underwriting, rates, investments and claim settlements. Captives provided them with these benefits. Coverage An advantage of captives is that they can provide coverage to subsidiaries and other firms that might not otherwise be possible or available for such areas as professional liability, certain business risks and punitive damages. Rate and form freedom The benefits of special constructed wording can be written by captives as a guide for reinsurers to follow to thus provide coverage’s for obscure areas. Establishment of better than average claim experience As the claim history for a captive insured may be improved or batter than the overall class of business for an insurer in the commercial category, this aspect makes a sound argument for retention of that risk in this framework as opposed to the broader and poorer claims experience as a whole. Recapture of investment income and to accelerate and or manage cash flow The investment income derived from a captive may be completely or partially retained by the captive as opposed to staying with commercial insurers thus providing revenues that would otherwise be lost. Insurance accounting Special tax treatment accrues to insurance companies, such as tax deductible reserves for claims not paid and in the instance of life insurance reserves no taxes are paid on the internal build up of interest income. Tax deductibility Other tax advantages are possible such as in the case of multiple owners or insured as well as in the cases where the insured and shareholders are not the same. Another area is in the deductibility of premiums along with the deferred taxation of insurance income. Careful consideration of tax benefits need to be investigated prior to adding such advantages to the list of benefits. Perceived safety of formalized services As the books and records of captives are audited along with the claim reserves being under constant review by actuaries, investments managed by professionals and accounts that are maintained by managers that are independent, these services represent checks and balances with so many differing external factors checking the books and accounts that the system has extra measures of safety that in most cases is superior to other means whereby a number of these functions is performed in-house or by the same company. Favorable regulations Many captives are formed offshore to avoid certain unnecessary regulations concerning solvency. However, just as in onshore solvency regulations, offshore captive solvency regulations are designed to protect policyholders. In some instances this regulation is weak in offshore locales, which is not the case for Bermuda as well as the state of Vermont in the United States. Administrative tool for funding retentions In many instances, large organizations create captives to fund differences between their large corporate deductibles or retention and smaller deductibles or retention of its individual business units. Under the captive format the main organization is able to offer fixed cost rates that are above the smaller deductibles and balance the equation of as a result overall larger rate, thus spreading the deductible or retention and achieving savings. Risk management Captives provide the risk manager with more leverage than the annual cost allocation process. Innovative deals Captives can increase the access to certain deals, such as more creative loss portfolio transfers achieved by transferring liabilities from one balance sheet to another. Warehouse data Being in a captive can provide a tool for the collection of better as well as more data in support of its cost management efforts. An example of this is that a captive can be the central repository for what is termed common disability cost management for instances when an organization elects to finance certain employee risk benefits as well as worker compensation risks. Strategic partner support Coverage can be made available by organizations for their various business partners as represented by key suppliers and or customers, as well as independent contractors, etc. when the normal market pricing and or terms are not favorable. The preceding may very well provide tax management as well as profit advantages. Profit In some instances captives are created to underwrite the risks of a customer or to provide third party insurance. Such undertakings can provide and or add value to an organization as a result of tying the customer to the owner. Some of the preceding areas represent clear financial aspects as well as non financial operating areas which can in certain instances turn out to be as important or more important than the financial considerations in creating or utilizing a captive. The understanding of the benefits, advantages and implications of a captive are integral in the discussion of a rent-a-captive in that the reasons and rationales that are found in the former also apply to the latter. As such, a discussion of the structuring of captives is an important aspect to be considered in this context, as such aids in the understanding of a rent-a-captive. There are three primary aspects of captives, the financial, operational and of course personnel. Captive financial resources consist of premiums along with capital and investment income. The premiums and or capital can consist of non-investment instruments such as a letter of credit and these financial resources must be sufficient to accomplish three tasks (Geisel , 2004). First is the facet of financing the legal obligation as part of the insurance and or reinsurance agreements. Secondly, the financial resources must be sufficient to finance a reasonable level attributed to adverse development, and lastly, the financial resources needed to fund the expenses of operating the captive. It is important to understand that captives, as well as rent-a-captives operate in a somewhat similar fashion as traditional insurers. It, the captive, directly issues policies to insured’s, and or reinsurers via a fronting insurance company (Geisel, 2004). It also collects the premiums and pays claims as well as setting reserves aside to pay for legal obligations stemming from its insurance and or reinsurance agreements, and pay for the captive’s operating expenses, and dividends (Geisel, 2004). One of the advantages is that captives usually utilize a captive management company to run the day to day operations, maintain books and serve as the liaison with the regulators and Board of Directors (Towers Perrin, 2004). Captives also can and often do utilize specialty service providers, accountants, legal council and actuaries to aid in the operational aspects thus eliminating the need for finding, retaining, and setting up office space to house these aspects, which represent a considerable cost savings in internal administration. In terms of managing costs, captives have the following benefits and or advantages (Elliott, 2005): Actuarial Bermuda requires an actuarial analysis as an aspect of the feasibility study concerning the area(s) of insurance and or reinsurance being contemplated for setting up a captive. The premiums as well as losses are thus based upon this information and when the actuarial review has established a level of confidence in these figures, the captive will thus make a better impression on regulators, tax advisors and reinsurers. Bermuda requires ongoing actuarial analysis. Expenses In most circumstances a captive should be able to operate in a more efficient manner than commercial insurance companies. The captive’s expenses should be in the area of below twenty percent of premiums, unless loss control dictates a higher ratio. Investment It is a general practice among captives to set premiums to reflect the time value of cash in the assumption that the investment returns will closely approximate the amortization of the premium discount over time. The captive investment policy should thus be in keeping with the assumptions that are utilized to set premiums. 3.3 Rent-A-Captive The foregoing analysis and details concerning captive insurance companies provides the needed foundational and structural information to better understand the nature of the entity and thus the implications, benefits and other facets associated with electing to utilize a rent-a-captive format. Given the preceding, the reasons and rationales for electing to choose a rent-a-captive format takes on increased meaning. Rent-a-captives represent the fastest growing segment of the captive category and the indications are that they will continue this trend and become even more broadly utilized in the future (International Risk Management Institute, 2004). Large corporations usually establish a captive to aid in the underwriting of its risk as well as to assume portions of its losses based upon the prospect of making or deriving a profit from these operations (Elliott, 2005). In essence, the corporation enters the business of insurance in an attempt to gain control over its losses as well as t o lower the cost of its insurance as a result of deriving a return of profit from underwriting and or investment income. Smaller companies lacking the financial resources to cover the costs of setting up and meeting requirements for a captive can derive much the same benefits through renting a captive as the alternative to receiving the indicated benefits from their insurance program(s). Rent-a-captive insurance companies are in general funded, created and â€Å"†¦ rented by insurers, brokers or groups of affiliated businesses† (International Risk Management Institute, 2004). The determination as to whether a rent-a-captive represents a viable as well as sound proposition is dependent upon a number of facets that can be summarized as follows (Geisel, 2004): size of the company considering utilizing a captive, or rent-a-captive, the amount of losses it ha

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hip Hops Effect on American Culture Essay -- Rap Music and Pop Cultur

Hip hop has permeated popular culture in an unprecedented fashion. Because of its crossover appeal, it is a great unifier of diverse populations. Although created by black youth on the streets, hip hop's influence has become well received by a number of different races in this country. A large number of the rap and hip hop audience is non-black. It has gone from the fringes, to the suburbs, and into the corporate boardrooms. Because it has become the fastest growing music genre in the U.S., companies and corporate giants have used its appeal to capitalize on it. Although critics of rap music and hip hop seem to be fixated on the messages of sex, violence, and harsh language, this genre offers a new paradigm of what can be (Lewis, 1998.) The potential of this art form to mend ethnic relations is substantial. Hip hop has challenged the system in ways that have unified individuals across a rich ethnic spectrum. This art form was once considered a fad has kept going strong for more than three decades. Generations consisting of Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and Asians have grown up immersed in hip-hop. Hip hop represents a realignment of America?s cultural aesthetics. Rap songs deliver a message, again and again, to keep it real. It has influenced young people of all races to search for excitement, artistic fulfillment, and a sense of identity by exploring the black underclass (Foreman, 2002). Though it is music, many people do not realize that it is much more than that. Hip hop is a form of art and culture, style, and language, and extension of commerce, and for many, a natural means of living. The purpose of this paper is to examine hip hop and its effect on American culture. Different aspects of hip hop will also be examined to shed some light that helps readers to what hip hop actually is. In order to see hip hop as a cultural influence we need to take a look at its history. Throughout American history there has always been some form of verbal acrobatics or jousting involving rhymes within the Afro-American community. Signifying, testifying, shining of the Titanic, the Dozens, school yard rhymes, prison ?jail house? rhymes and double Dutch jump rope rhymes, are some of the names and ways that various forms of raps have manifested. Modern day rap music finds its immediate roots in the toasting and dub talk over elements of reggae music (George, 1998).... ... 3. Fernando, S.H., (1994). The New Beats. New York: Anchor Books Doubleday. 4. Foreman, (2002). The Hood Comes First: Race, Space, and Place in Rap and Hip hop. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press. 5. Rose, Patricia (1991, Summer). ?Fear of a Black Planet: Rap Music and Black Cultural Politics in the 1990s,?. The Journal of Negro Education, 60 (3). 6. Potter, (1996, Jan.). ?Black by Popular Demand,? Premiere, 9, 39. 7. Kakutani, (1998, Feb.) ?Common Threads: Why Are Homeboys and Surbanites Wearing Each Other?s Clothes The New York Times Magazine, 18. 8. Lewis, (1998, Dec.). ?Hip Hop Gives Birth to Its Own Black Economy,? The San Francisco Examiner. , 1998. 9. Hilburn, Robert (1998). Year in Review/ Pop Music; in the shadow of Hip Hop; Rap is Where the Action is, and its Popularity Still Hasn?t Peaked. Could Rock ?N? Roll Be Finally Dead The Los Angeles Times, December 27, 1998, 6. 10. Chideya, Farai (1997, Mar. 4). ?All Eyez on US Time, 147 (10). 11. Farley, C. (1996, Feb. 8). ?Hip Hop Nation Time, 153. 12. Hip Hop Nation Is Exhibit A For America?s Latest Cultural Revolution, (2004), Time, 201.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Advances in Technologies that impacted on Policing

The police have originated from many years ago coming up with new technology to make the people the serve safe. Police officers made a change to patrol on foot to actual patrol cars. They have made it so nobody has to wait for a call to no were crimes is , they have two way radios always strapped around them. And they also made it to where as though they have lab tops in every patrol car to look up any information when ever they need to. So the police have came from a lot to be able to increase a way to make there jobs easier. The patrol car has been an excellent use to the police officers with catching suspects. Due to patrol car there are more eyes around the area that we live in, they are able to drive to the crime scene quicker to help someone who may be in serious danger. Without the patrol cars a lot of people would be getting away with all types of crime. Due to the fact that not every cop out there is fit or in shape so people could take the cops on foot and get away because they know the streets so well. That’s another reason why the patrol cars have been a good source to pick up crimes. Two way radios have been a major impact on how the patrol officers know where there any type of disturbance in the area that they are patrolling; due to the two ways radio an operator can specifically call on the patrol unit that is around the area where there is disturbance or were anyone is breaking the law. Without the radios a police officers wouldn’t be able to call for back up whenever they need it or some assistance. They also wouldn’t be able to call in if someone is dying and in need of an ambulance or a fire. One of the most brilliant technologies that the police officers have in the patrol cars is the lab tops. The lab tops are basically another operator for them when patrol officers want to look up information for themselves, they can also write out there police reports on there so that all grammar can the on point. On the lab tops they can also look at anyone’s file to see if they need to be taken when being pulled over or any outside action for example if a cop looks up your profile and if you have a warrant out for your arrest. They can arrest you right there in your presence because the lab tops have that type of information on them. Technology has been a major impact on how crimes have went down in the past years. Due to these three new enforces criminals are off the street on the patrol is on the watch more. If it weren’t for these new gadgets the criminal and civil laws would be broken, and a lot of things going bad. The arrest rate would go down and the criminals in the streets would take over and do as they please.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My First Day of School Essay

I have been reading in Beaconhouse Sri Inaigot up early in the morning of 8th July to get myself prepared. With my tutor I started towards my new school. On the way it began to rain. When we reached the school we were completely wet. Secondary School for four years. I still remember my first day at this school. On that fortunate day, I got freedom from the control of my tutor who loaded me with heavy home task. I had no holiday in a week. You can think of my joy when I was told that I would be sent to a new school. The sight of the grand building made me nervous. I was uneasy in mind. I entered the office where I found four people sitting behind the counter. My tutor got a form from one of them. Then we entered the Principal’s Office. My tutor gave the form to him. He looked at it carefully. He stuck a bell. At once a peon rushed in. He ordered him to take us to the staff room. The peon led us to the room where I found the teachers seated round a long table. He gave the form to one of them. The teacher put my knowledge to test my English. He found me up to the mark. Then another teacher gave me five sums to solve. I solved them with great ease. Both the teachers wrote some thing on the form. Again my tutor entered to the office and deposits my dues. I was sent to classroom with a chit. I reached the classroom and took my seat in the last row. In front of me there was a big blackboard on the wall. Near it there were descent chair and a table for the teachers. After a few minutes a teacher entered into the class. I gave the chit to him. He wrote my name in the register. To my good luck the teacher is an interesting fellow. He passed a few funny remarks. He also made some interesting and harmless jokes. As the recess bell rang, we rushed out of the class. It was the recess period. The playground becomes the centre of activity. Finding me alone some boys approached me. They cut jokes. One of them asked me â€Å"from which jungle are you coming†? I was salient. Fortunately three boys ran for my help. They took me round the school building. With them I saw the reading room and library. We also reached the hall. I found it decorated with pictures and paintings. In the meanwhile the bell rang and we were again in the class room. One by one other teacher come but none taught us. t 12:30 the last bell went. The classes were dispersed. When I reached home, my head was full of new ideas. I told my mother how great school was. She was very glad to hear the account of my first day.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Comparison Between Frank Fischer and Brian Martin essays

Comparison Between Frank Fischer and Brian Martin essays There are many ideas on how much influence experts have on a society and how much influence society has on the expert. Without one or the other, neither would exist. Either that, or this world would be quite different if it was made up of only experts or only the common citizen. If the world were made up of only the common citizen, everyone would be taking care of his or her own. Nobody would be working for the expert, voting for the expert, criticizing the expert, looking up on the expert, or even preparing to be an expert himself or herself. But without the common citizen, the expert would have nobody to impress, nobody to influence, nobody to work for, and nobody to guide, or even nobody to get feedback from. In the book Citizens, Experts, and the Environment, by Frank Fischer, the author writes about the relationship between the citizen and the expert. In the book, Confronting the Experts, by Brian Martin, the author also writes about the relationship between the citizen and the expert and the conflicts between the experts vs. the expert. He also includes a few case articles from different individuals who wrote about their experiences with experts. Another well-known author is Thomas Kuhn, who came up with the term paradigm, which deals with shaping how you deal with things. Kuhn described it as a collection of beliefs shared by scientists, a set of agreements about how problems are to be understood. In Fischers book, Fischer focuses on public policy. He questions the role of citizens, whether citizens are knowledgeable enough to participate in a world where technology is way over our heads, or have the expert make the decisions for everyone because after all, they are the experts. He adds that citizen participation is low and that it can have some kind of impact on democracy. He defines citizen participation as deliberation on issues affecting ones own life . So ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Evaluate a given assessment instrument for bias Essay

Evaluate a given assessment instrument for bias - Essay Example Mr. Alvarez is described as a "salesman" and so makes the role gender specific. This is a form of stereotyping. The equality of treatment of all members of society requires that occupations in which both genders are feasibly able to carry out the role, that the job description be gender inclusive. This is critical to the practice of fairness, and in being able to interact with others with impartiality to their religious affiliation, physical appearance or abilities, gender, age, ethnic group or sexual orientation. It is suggested that the introductory sentence be changed to: Mr. Alvarez works as a sales assistant at a furniture store. This would align with Guideline 4 of the ETS standards, for the use of appropriate terminology when referring to others. 2. Students in the Physics & Astronomy Club are buying telescopes to watch the upcoming lunar eclipse. They found comparable telescopes, at the following prices, each either on sale or with a special pricing offer: Firstly, there is no reason given for the four students being chosen from the club, as there are six members who went shopping. Secondly, there is only one female in the group, and this is a science class club, which reinforces the stereotype that women and girls do not like science. I would make Louis (a) and Bernie girls. Thirdly, t Thirdly, there is complex vocabulary in that not everyone is familiar with a lunar eclipse. This is a rare phenomenon that occurs in the evening, when most are asleep, and so can be considered an unfamiliar or specialized term. Rather, replace with: star gazing. 3. A teacher needs help carrying a class set of textbooks to the department office. The teacher asks five students to carry the 35 books. If each student carried the same number of books, how many books did each student carry A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Item Status: No Bias Comments and revision(s) (if necessary): The teacher's gender is not mentioned, neither that of the students, and is not necessary in order to ask the question. No complicated syntax or vocabulary is used either. Neither is the item religiously, ethnically, or physically specific (e.g., feasibly, one of the student's could have been in a wheelchair). 4. The Johnsons are considering hiring an au pair for their child. One very good applicant requests a stipend of $800 per month and health insurance, which will cost

Saturday, November 2, 2019

To What Extent Might the Current Approach to International Carbon Essay

To What Extent Might the Current Approach to International Carbon Reduction be Described as Neo-liberal - Essay Example The present carbon reduction approaches cannot be regarded as purely neo-liberalism since it mostly runs under market mechanisms, but is also impacted by political aspects. â€Å"Neo-liberal† is political-economic restructuring and often is called â€Å"structural adjustment programs† (Russ, 1999). Russ (1999) mentioned that â€Å"neo-liberalism has the features that include privatization, free-market, austerity, and comparative advantage.† Specific to carbon trading aspects, the features of a neo-liberal market should be as follows. First, the transaction of carbon and its related facilities, in addition to resources, should be owned by the private sector or multinational enterprises. Secondly, neo-liberalism means that the price of all factors that are related to carbon transactions should be set by the global market. These factors include market price, salaries of employments, shipping fees, etc. Last but not least, it includes the decreasing of public spendin g. This means that all services related to carbon trading shall be under market conditions and without government â€Å"interference.† The Kyoto Protocol was created for the purpose of carbon reduction emission obligations for industrial countries (Sander, 2010, P7). All the current methods are largely based on the Kyoto Protocol. Annex I countries have a goal to control carbon emissions by a certain amount at the end of the Kyoto Protocol. Thus, it gives these Annex I countries the opportunity to engage in the market of global carbon emissions. In this case, they are able to do transactions with flexible mechanisms through the Kyoto Protocol. These mechanisms include International Emissions Trading (IET), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and Joint Implementation (JL) (Sander,... This essay declares that the present carbon reduction approaches cannot be regarded as purely neo-liberalism since it mostly runs under market mechanisms, but is also impacted by political aspects. â€Å"Neo-liberal† is political-economic restructuring and often is called â€Å"structural adjustment programs†. Russ mentioned that â€Å"neo-liberalism has the features that include privatization, free-market, austerity, and comparative advantage.† This paper makes a conclusion that specific to carbon trading aspects, the features of a neo-liberal market should be as follows. First, the transaction of carbon and its related facilities, in addition to resources, should be owned by the private sector or multinational enterprises. Secondly, neo-liberalism means that the price of all factors that are related to carbon transactions should be set by the global market. These factors include market price, salaries of employments, shipping fees, etc. Last but not least, it includes the decreasing of public spending. This means that all services related to carbon trading shall be under market conditions and without government â€Å"interference.† Trading among these countries is worth over $100 billion each year. The free market, private sectors, and international trading play essential roles in the global emissions trading scheme. The market of carbon trading effectively helps reduce carbon levels. Meanwhile, there were not any t argets set for developing countries. Fast growing economies in the developing world, such as China, India, Thailand, Egypt, and Iran, have increased their need for emissions trading.